Something gone but something new

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Elitas POV

it was weird a few weeks my cancer just disappeared but I felt something weird I was walking to class with Callan we held hands "I need the bathroom." I go to the bathroom and feel something kick me it felt like as if i had a babay growing i think dorthy put a spell on me to make me pregnant theres no other explanation. "Callan, I think dorthy put a spell on me to make me pregnant so i cant fight back."

Callans POV 

If Elita cant fight the highettes i will have to fight for her but what will we tell everyone? "How are we going to tell people who don't understand?"

Elitas POV 

"I guess we won't." I mumble 

Callans POV

I hear her mumble that "okay if that what you want to do." I say calmly. We walk to class and she looks at her stomach and we both saw a difference we had the same schedule and sat next to eachother and during group projects we worked together even if we werent picked together out of class we would still do work with eachother Ben was in the same class and would always look at me smirking planning something but i have worse to worry about.

Elitas POV 

I pass a note to callan what we do is i take chap stick bottles and put notes pn the side of them and drop the container and callan will read the other side quickly and give it to me we cant risk getting caught I pass him a note that asks how will we tell the group if they don't believe that a spell made me pregnant instead you got me pregnant? He answered saying they will.

Bens POV 

Finally i can get elita since i have somehing against callan that he doesnt have i can tell everyone Elitas pregnant and nothing more so the will think Callan got her pregnant like i do how else could she be pregnant? "RINGGGGGG!!!!!!!" I hear the bell ring callan and Elita walk out holding hands and Elita texts the group to go to the aspen entrance not in it just near it and they will meet up. I go and Elita announced shes pregnant everyones jaws dropped and were ticked off at them i was too but Elita finishes her sentance and it was a spell.

Callans POV

no one believed us so Elita and I ask "What have I done I shouldnt have taken her on the date 3 bad things happened that day." We walk seprate roots from everyone and thats when I got the text that said Elita needed help i didnt know where she was so I look and find her blood surrounding her and her body on the floor. "I was too late. WHY?!?!?!?!?!?!" I scream everyone runs over to where i stood and she had been killed.

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