Elitas POV
I head into the kitchen and see Delilah "Good morning Delilah." She looks at me "What are you doing?" I ask "Making breakfast!!!!" I see the milk and cereal on the counter and she spilt the cereal "How about I make breakfast." I say an she walks out Callan walks in and walks over to me and kisses me on the cheek as I clean the mess Delilah made and pour the milk in her bowl and set it on the table. Delilah runs over and eats her cereal and I walk upstairs I find Callan follows me as I walk up "Elita?" I turn around as Callan walks over to me. "I know a special place from when I was a kid I went there to practice my powers." Callan said to me he Kisses me and our lips lock he puts his arms around me and hugs me as we kiss Sophia walks up the stairs and see's us and walks away ticked off "When do you plan to have the third kid?" She asks in a teasing voice but Callan and I ignore her "Im guessing soon." She said Callan holds my hand "So I was thinking we should go to the river by the creek where I lived hopefully we dont get caught." Callan says. "That sounds amazing." I say we get their and once I look into the water of the river it was as if someone pushed me backwards and I fall Callan quickly runs to where I was falling and puts his arm where my back was someone looked out of the window of a house far away from where we were they ran out and yelled "CALLAN!!!" Callan quickly picked me up and started running from that person the person was his quote on quoke aunt who carried a knife with her.
Callans POV
I run with Elita away from my quote on quote aunt "Are you okay?" I ask Elita as I put her her down and I was out of breath but I still could ask her. "Im fine." She says "Good." I say the trees made the lighting from the sun seem dim and the moon was rising and the sun was setting i hold Elitas hand and we find ourselves kissing during the sunset our lips locking a bit tighter my fake aunt finds us and trys to grab me but it was like their was a forcefeild where Elita and I kiss she cant get near us.
Elitas POV
Callans arms were around me and mine were around him as we kiss I love the way he kisses me how he brings me up but never pushes me down something can push me down but he will bring me up farther from where I was before I was pushed. Callan and my lips lock tighter and we find the moon rising we kiss for hours from what the moon says. I open my eyes and he opens his and we hold hands and break the kiss. "Oh my gosh." I say "I can't believe that just happened it was so different." I whisper to myself "That was different from what normally happens." He says "Yeah I agree." I say Callan holds my hand as we head to the car I find how Callan finds a place where you can see the stars I look up at the stars "Do you know whats more beautiful than the stars?" Callan asked me. "You are." He said he parks the car and we see a hotel near we find ourselves with a blanket in the grass watching the stars. He starts to speak with me then something comes up it was about Ben and Zelenka "what if they arent dead?" He asks me. "I dont know." I say
Aspen heights calita: i will always love you
Fanfictioncalita the most fought ship i know of agtube so it it would be devastating if belita happened or she never found out she had a brother and they got married idk. hahahahhahahahahahahahahaahhaahhaha