The Annoying Six!!!!

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           CHAPTER 1

(My first book! Hope u like it!!!!  ;) -A )    ( Alesha's P.O.V.)

 " Wake up!!!!!!!!"....I open my eyes and yawn widely.Ugh! I hate mornings."Hurry up!"my mom yells again.

"I'm up!!!" I yell back.

Oh yeah! I forgot to introduce myself. Hi.My name is Alesha and I'm 18. I have dirty blonde hair,my favorite color is purple,and I LOVE MY FOOD!!!! Seriously,I will not let anybody touch MY food,AT ALL.Um.... the two main things everybody loves about me are my hair and my eyes. My hair gets bleach blonde natural highlights from the sun. My eyes are unique. They have a black outer outline,then an inner outline around the pupil,which is blue. In between,my eyes are a green and chocolate brown mix with flakes of purple. I guess you could say they're pretty awesome.

People say I have a lot of natural beauty and a photogenic face,but I don't really believe them.I guess that's because my bullies have convinced me that I'm ugly and fat already. I have had bullies since the sixth grade,I don't know why though. They have called me so much,that I'm used to it. For example they have called me whore,slut,bitch,ect. Anyway,back to what I was saying before.My dad and mom are divorced,they both agree on only one thing. That is that I have a great singing voice and that I should sing for people;but, there is one problem. I don't sing infront of people.I always get nervous and mess up.

Also, I have five friends; Aubrea, Caitlin ,Spencer ,Malissa, and Nora. I love all of my friends like family.I also love my family in case you were wondering. You can say all you want to me , but you say one bad thing about my friends or family, you have to answer to me! I will stand up to bullies for my friends or family, even if it means getting hurt.I don't fight back because I am being the bigger person, and I just want it to stop.

There is one side to me that only my friends and family know, and that side is my bad side.I am a MAJOR badass! Give me any dare and I will do it. I will take any risks, if I have to. I can and will beat up anybody who tries to lay a finger on my friends or family.But so far no one has tried ,so I'm fine. I'm not letting that side out until someone tries to hurt the ones I love.

Also, I guess I'm rich ,but that's only because I have a really generous boss,who thinks, that if he keeps giving me extra money, I will give him my body. Newsflash bitch! FUCK NO!!!! I guess I have a sexy body to guys.Oh well. So with all of this extra money I have boughten a three-story mansion. It has 8 bedrooms,7bathrooms,1 gigantic kitchen(Which by the way is my favorite room) with lots of food,a huge living room,1 inside pool,1 inside hot tub, a lounge,a laundry room,an attic, a basement, a garage ,a pantry, 1 outside pool, a huge backyard,with a beautiful garden,9 walk-in closets,and it has a music room,a library,and a study. If you were'nt careful you'd getlost in my house. I have also bought a black and dark purple convertible.

Now, I am going back to the topic of my parents,cuz I forgot a few things. My dad is a great singer,though he isn't famou.And my mother comes to my house every morning to wake me up for school and make me breakfeast, cuz she knows I would wake up late and be late for school if she didn't.Then after she makesmy breakfeast,she leaves for work.

Anyway, back to the real world ,not my thoughts. I throw back my purple comforter and walk out of my dark purple and blue room to my light purple bathroom,and take a 15 minute shower. Then I get one of my badass outfits out for a change,today cuz for some reason I feel like something big is going to happen. I pull out my dark purple leather jacket,some black lace underwear and bra,a whit tank top, a medium purple crop top,black ankle socs,and my black combat boots.I put on all of the clothes and lightly curl my long hair that reaches the middle of my back. Put on some foundation, black eyeliner,and some light pink lipgloss.I make my bed and walk downstairs to the kitchen.

'Hey ,Mom,"I say.

"Hey,Honey. Your pancakes are on the counter and your keys are in the bowl by the door.I have to go to work now,but I will call you later or tomorrow.Bye!" She kissed my cheek and left. I sat down on a stool by the counter and ate my pancakes. When I was finished,I washed my plate and put it in the sink. I went and brushed my teeth. Then I touched up my make up,grabbed my keys,and left.

( OK, that was the first chapter. I really hope you liked it! My friends did. Anyway, vote,fan, share, follow!!!!!! PLEASE!!!!  Next chapter coming soon! ;) -A )

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