Chapter 6

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( Okay I think I am only going to update once a week. I might update 2 chapters next week,so I can have more time the next week to think of more ideas. Please comment on what you think about my book. Next month I am going to be at my dad's all week and only going to see my mother every other weekend. So that means I might miss a couple updates,but I promise to catch up when I have time. PLEASE!!!!!!! FOLLOW and VOTE! - A )

Chapter 6

Alesha's P.O.V.

I quickly drove to my house,in silence,with my friends. When we got to my house,we all just got out of the car and walked to the front door. They waited as I unlocked the door,then walked to the lounge room.

" Guys,we need to talk, " I say.

"About what?! You basically kicked their asses!" Caitlin exclaims.

" I know Caitlin,but just wanted to say,that if anybody tries to hurt or call you guys names. Like David did to Spencer,I want you to tell me," I demand.

" I can take care of myself,thank you very much!"Cailtin says.

"Caitlin,I just want to know,okay? And that goes for the rest of you!" I hear a chorus of mumbled OK's and YES's.

" Good," I say.

Then we walk to my theater room and I put Sinister in. I got up to make 7 bowls of popcorn during the previews. In case you were wondering,that is one bowl for each of them and two for me. I walked back in when the popcorn was all popped and put in bowls. The movie is about to start.

When it finally did,Spencer,Nora,and Aubrea snuggled into their blankets. During the entire movie,we ate all of the popcorn,and ducked our faces at the lawn mower part.When the movie was over,we were all really creeped out. I,being the bravest,got up to put the bowls in the sink. I was half way to the door,when Aubrea says,

"Stay with us,please?!"

"Sorry Aubrea,I have to put these in the sink. But,I promise I will lock all of the doors and window,okay?"

"Okay."I left the room and went to the kitchen.

I was rinsing the bowls,when I heard a car pull up in the driveway. I looked out of my window and saw my mom's car with a few others. I went back up the stairs to the theater room. When I was inside the room,I told everybody to clean up and fold the blankets because my mom was here. They did as they were told and cleaned up all of the fallen popcorn and folded all of the blankets. When we had every thing in order,the door bell rang.

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