Chapter 9

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His hands started to trail down to the hem of my shirt when the doorbell rang. "Sorry I have to get that" I said as I got up and ran to the door. 'Man that was close' I thought as I got to the bottom of the stairs. I tried to calm down a little before I answered the door. I fixed my shirt as I answered the door. I looked up to see my best friend from a few years ago, Savannah.

"What are you doing here" I said as i gave her a quick hug, she doesn't like hugs, "Well my mom made my move back because I got into trouble at my dad's so she wanted me to move back" She said it like it was no big deal "What happened" I asked as i reached for her bags but she swat my hand away "I beat some kid up and it was self defense but no one believed me" She said as she carried her things in "I would have never thought of you beating someones ass" "Yeah well I was being bullied and I was tired of it" She said as she sat on the couch and I sat next to her " So where are you staying" " Well my mom wanted me to come back but not to live with her ,which is stupid, so I came to see if I could stay with you" "Um... well... I guess so" and I was shocked I said yes cuz I don't want the monster to find out.

"Thanks, oh and I know what your mom is doing to you" She said and I'm shocked "How do you know" I asked as I heard the guys come down "Well... I talked to her cuz I ran into her and asked about you and she said that you're really busy working for her and she wouldn't shut up about it then she said 'if you tell any one about it you will be six feet under'" and my mouth hung open. I can't believe my mom told her- wait actually I can. "I'm sorry about her" "it's fine" She said as she got up and grabbed her bags. When the guys saw her I knew there would be trouble.

Savannah's pov

As I grabbed my bags six guys were standing there at the bottom and they looked so familiar but who cares. I started to walk up the stairs when one of them said "Is she also our slave" and I turned around and scoffed " Um, no, do I look like a slave" and the curly guy said "Yep". Okay I might go to jail if I get near him cuz I will kill him. "Wow" I muttered as I continued my way up the stairs.

Alesha's pov

When Savannah was gone I walked over to the guys and said "She's not a slave, she's a guest" "Well your mum told us that we're your only guest" Harry said and I knew what he was going to do "Stay away from her, understand?" I said sternly and walked up the stairs to show Savannah her room. When I got up there I saw her just standing there. "Need help finding your room" I asked as I walked up to her "Yeah" is all she said before I took her to her room.

We got to her room, which is right by Louis's room, and she started to unpack as I just stood there. "So are you still singing" I asked while laying on her bed "Nope" She said like no big deal "Why" "Well everyone said I sucked" "So you believed them" I asked wit disbelief in my voice "Yes". After that there was an awkward silence until Savannah said "Do you smell that" "No, what do you smell" I asked and she started to walk down the stairs. She walked into the kitchen and ran I followed and when I got in there I saw Savannah putting a fire out. "What happened" I asked and I heard the guys running towards the kitchen.

"Well it looks like the guys have been cooking" Savannah said before throwing the burnt food away. "Sorry about that" Liam said "It's fine" I said walking over to the fridge to see what else I can cook "Hey do you have things to make spaghetti" Savannah asked. I looked in the fridge to make sure i have garlic bread and meat. Then I walked to the cabinet and saw the noddles and the sauce. "Yep so we're going to have spaghetti" I said getting the ingredients out "You six out" Savannah commanded but Justin being Justin said "Why should we listen to you" "Really your asking me that when there are sharp things right next to me" "So what dose that have to do with us listening to you" Louis said all sassy "It means she will stab you if you don't listen" I said in a matter-of-fact tone.

"So we're not scared of a girl" Zayn said and out looked at Savannah and saw her grab a knife and start to walk over to the guys but, being the babies they are, they ran away. "Aren't you glad that I'm back" She asked as she put the knife back "Yes and you can keep the boys to behave" I said playfully "I don't think they would live if I was in-charge of them" She said with a little laugh. Gosh I missed having her around.

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