01; Childs Play

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In the darkness fear grows. It clouds any rational thought until all you can do is run. The urge to get away overthrows common sense. That's why the predator always kills its prey; the weaker mammal is so focused on it's escape that it doesn't realize it's being led into its demise. Meanwhile the apex creature is just toying with it's future meal while burning off some calories with a pointless chase.

And I do enjoy a late night jog.

My laughter echoed by two others bounces off the filthy alley walls; a fragile figure stumbling in the blackness as we near it. Our sadistic chuckles are bone chilling, our stealthy footing is unsettling, and our intentions  are nightmarish. 

"What do you want? I don't have any money!"  A male shouts as he continues to search for a way to lose what he can't even see.

"It's always the same questions with you mortals."  Dick's raspy voice teases the hunted man. The sixteen year old smirked at me, his white teeth and brown hair only thing visible, as he leaps down from the staircase and lands just in front of the raggedy male.

"What do you want." Dick taunts forward causing the man to take a step back and gasp.

"Who are you." Kate leaps next, taking her place behind, her long black hair cascading down her back.

The shivering creature turns to face the short girl with leather red jeans, white blouse and floppy hat however his eyes immediately focus on the glimmering sword the teenager held.

"You-you're Hooks daughter!"

"Bingo!" Kate steps toward our target and gently presses her weapon against his neck, "The Captain doesn't appreciate thieves."

I lean against the stair railing and continue to observe the scene below.

"I-I have his money-"

"That's funny. A while ago you were claiming to be broke so, let's clear this up lambchop." Dick grabs a lighter from his black leather jacket. Swiftly he creates a blue flame and steps forward as the man now faced him, "Do you or don't you have riches?"

"I do!"

"So you're a liar? That's worst than a thief." Dick quickly grabs the man's hand and despite being smaller in size is able to remain control over the adult. He forces the man's opened palm over the flame of his lighter. "Most people think the red part of a fire is the most dangerous, but they're wrong. Red represents an angry flame; it'll burn but it'll do it quickly with rage...A blue flame is comforting, it looks appealing, it tricks you into thinking it safe and by the time you realize you're burning it's too late."

Even from here I can see Dicks grin widening at the talk of fire. The simplest spark of light turns the bastard on in ways most can't explain.

"Want to see?"

Rolling my eyes as the man screams in pain I decide to finally intervene before Dick kills the guy or makes him pass out in pain.

The sliced ends of my long black dress began to extend in length until eight tentacle like straps fell to the street floor. One of them wrapped around the thief's ankle and lifted him off of his feet.

As he hung upside down Dick groaned however Kate giggled happily looting through the captured's pockets.

"Way to take the fun out of it L." Dick whines glaring up at me.

"Hook wanted us to get his money back. Not torture the guy." I shout below.

"Technically daddy said to take his shit and then makes sure he doesn't have the urge to commit anymore stupid actions." Kate says stuffing the coins she found in her jeans. "That's all."

"Good." Smiling one of my 'tentacles' raises the man higher and higher, his terrified pleas sounding like music to my ears. With a loud whip, I tossed him  backwards sending him flying far far away; no doubt crashing into someone's shack of a house. No matter where he lands, the speed and power in my toss will render him broken.

However the amount of energy it took to conjure up my less appealing feature makes my body ache with weakness. Feeling my eye lids grow heavy I grip the bars in front of me for support, but am unable to maintain my strength and fall over.

"I got ya." Dick drops his precious lighter and catches me before I can hit the pavement. As soon as I'm a safe distance from the ground I shove out of his arms.

"Touch me again and I'll end you."

"Noted. Next time I let you fall to your death." He smirks, his coal eyes twitching with annoyance.

"That'll be appreciated." I smile innocently while attempting to regain my strength.

Breathing heavily I look up into the sky and stare directly into the crackling hole in the middle of our powerless dome. The tiny opening allows a little amount of magic to enter our dry land, but it's hardly enough to be considered damageable, which is probably why the freaks at Auradon haven't fixed it yet.

They must think dangling the taste of power in our face is kindness but it is the cruelest torture I've ever known.

"We should get back before our parents blow a fuse. It is getting late."

Kate was examining the coins in her palms the whole way to her dad's tavern while Dick was playing with his lighter purposely irritating me. The metal contraption would open and light up for a second and then he'd shut it loudly. This repeated for an hours walk.

I was about to slap it out of his greasy hands when I spotted 'Captain's Corders' , a barely stable building over stuffed with sleazy men like a low life whore. As soon as we three entered the tavern the nauseating smell of booze and sex revolted our senses causing our faces to scrunch in visible disgust.

We don't hesitate, or even consider turning around, as we strut towards the liquor spilled bar where an older man in a red beanie worked behind.

"Ay Smee my dad in the back?"  Kate asks loudly enough to be heard of the mindless chatter.

"Yes ma'am. Cap is just entertaining some company."

The pirate princess let's out an over dramatic groan, "oh god I hope it's not big bottom Bertha." 

After expressing her displeasure Kate hops off to the far room, her figure slouched with distaste.

Dick sat on an questionable sanitized stool and leaned over the long, chipped, bar table, "Oi Smee, two shots for me and the future Queen of the sea!"

The older man just gives the punk kid an irritated glare before saying, "how about some juice?"

"With rum? Yeah!"

Sharing one last narrowed gaze Smee trails off to tend to another customer and leaves us to our own self destructive selves.

"You don't even drink." I comment with a light shove.

"Psh I could. You don't know."

I opened my mouth to oppose his statement however the sound of shrill screams followed by a larger woman scurrying out from the dark ends of the dim lit pub shuts me up.

"Hey, big bottom Bertha!" Dick laughs as the woman rushes out, her dress torn and blood scratches running down her exposed skin.

"Your juice sir." Smee hands us two small boxes of grape juice, hardly acknowledging the bleeding gal.

"I'm not feeling watching Kate and her Dad have a sword fight tonight. I'm gonna head home." I say.

"Okay. More juice for me. I'll tell ya who draws blood first." The blue haired boy waves me off and I disappear into the night unaware of the shit storm waiting for me at home.

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