04; Little Siren

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Kate and I stood in the extravagant room ,that could probably fit our entire neighborhood, with our bags by our feet and our mouths dropped.

"This I could get used to." I whisper and shut the door behind us.

"They have beds Laura! God I don't remember the last time I actually had a bed!" Kate jumps on her twin sized mattress, melting into the soft surface with a smile.

"I've never had a bed before."

The moment my bum lands on the comforter it's like heaven I don't ever want to leave. The mattress accepts my form and sinks me in lower and lower until I'm laying back in a sea of softness.

How do people leave these wonderful things?

My curiosity was soon replaced with envious rage as I recall all my sleepless nights, all the back aches I'd receive from lying on cardboard, while the citizens on this United Kingdom slept cozily on their oversized marshmallow's.

I can't wait to see them suffer as I have. It will be glorious revenge.

"I'm surprised your mom let you come L. She doesn't like you out of her sight for long." Kate comments out of blue working an angle I can't see.

"Likewise Katie, isn't your dad going to miss all the work you do for him?"

Now we're both sitting up with our legs crossed and facing each other; hidden motives reflecting in our specious glare.

"Guess both of our parents have their reasons."

"It would seem so."

We had an intense stare off for three minutes before cracking up laughing.

"Even away we're still doing their bidding. Dad wants me to find his ship, he says Peter Pan stole it his last trip to Neverland and Fairy God Mother shrunk it with some kind of enchantment. It's my job to steal it back, along with Pan's magical flute." She says with a hint of disappointment.

"My mom wants me to steal Triton's trident- which is locked away who knows where- so she can rule the sea." I sigh out, not because I don't want to do her plan but because I don't want her to be included. She had her chance to rule and she blew it, perhaps it's time fresher blood reigns.

"Makes you wonder."

"What?" I question Kate.

"What Hades got Dick doing. God of the underworld doesn't just permit free travels."

That's true and out of all our parents he's the one I'd be most afraid to disappoint or disobey.

"Hope he's not going to get in over his head." I nervously bite my lower lip at the thought.

"Careful Laura you almost sound like you care." Kate teases with an arched brow.

"I am a master of deception." I wink in response glad to hear her laugh.

"That's true. You've already got everyone here thinking you're the embodiment of goodness and politeness." She shivers reliving my display of proper manners, "not to mention you've already infatuated Cruella's son."

I smile sinisterly loving the way he had practically fallen over for me, "I know, throwing a dog a bone is all part of my plan."

"Maybe you just want to naw on his bone, if you get what I'm saying." She burst out in laughter as my face scrunches up with partial embarrassment and partial irritation.

"First off, ew. Secondly, whether or not you remember, Dick said Carlos was the smart kid in all of his classes and he was easy to push around, Dick basically got him to do all of his homework. So if anyone can help me find what I need without questioning much, it's him."

"That and he's cute."

I shrug with indifference, "he's a villain gone good that kind of dial's down all his attractive attributes."

"Well I'm going to shag the bigger guy, you know the muscular one. He looks like he could get a little rough."

I roll my eyes.

Not even a day here and Kate's already calling dibs on her next boy toy.

"Jay? Jafar's son?"

"With a body like that he's more likely to be Gaston's third son. You remember his other two right? They were-"

A knock thankfully cuts off her sentences and vivid day dream. Kate and I share an edgy look before getting up. The pirate princess stalks behind me as I cautiously open the fine wooden door. A boy in a blue and gold uniform, with big ears and glasses, stands outside holding a tablet.

"Hi, I'm Doug Dopey's son."

Seems rather tall for a dwarf, but then again I seem rather human for being a sea witches daughter, thanks to my dad.

"And? What do you want?" Kate raises a brow.

I elbow her in the gut and let out a small chuckle, "What Kate means is, what can we do for you Doug?"

"Oh-uh I have your schedules." He's baffled by my soft tone before he collects himself, "First is Remedial goodness, then history 101-"

As he goes on I zone out, but keep a smile on.

"What are Carlos' classes?" I blurt out making them eye me oddly. "What? I just want to have the same class with someone who understands where we are coming from. Who knows some of his success in transforming may rub off on me."

"Bet that's not the only thing you want him to rub on you." Kate whispers in my ear.

Ignoring her I wait for Doug to answer, only to be disappointed when he sighs.

"I'm sorry, it doesn't seem like you guys have any of the same classes, but I promise not everyone here is that bad-"

"You can't switch some things around?" I pout, fingers caressing the necklace around my neck. "Please."

His eyes slowly daze as sweet humming enters his ears putting the dwarf's son into a persuasive trance.

"He has AP biology third block and you have biology, if you take a placement test I can get you in."

I grin widely, "Thank you Doug."

I gently stroke his cheek with false endearment noticing how his face reddened with the contact. Leaving him slightly dazed with infatuation I slam the door in his face and turn to Kate with a wicked smile bigger than the Cheshire cats.

"Okay, explain and then teach." Kate demands, her hands firmly placed on her hips.

"My mother was able to hypnotize King Eric with this pretty accessory once." I point to the shell shaped jewelry. "She may had needed Ariel's voice to target him, but when you got raw talent like mwah you don't need to steal another's voice."

"I love it when you get cocky."

"The only problem is I can't do more than timidly suggesting actions already planted in their head...and the stronger their will is the less likely it will work."

"That is sick." Kate approves, clapping with admiration. "Can I borrow it sometime?"

"Sorry princess it only works for me and my mother."

"That's no fun then." Kate huffs.

"It is for me."

I have to admit when my mother told me of her enchanted accessory I didn't believe it would work, but then I focused on the white haired boy with dark roots showing. The way he watched me, the way he fumbled for words could've only been the work of magic. If that wasn't me channeling powers of a siren then I don't know why he was acting like a fool.

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