19; New Friends

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He was arrogant

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He was arrogant. Laura thought to herself.

He's a fucking joke. Dick internally groaned.

He's awesome! Kate grinned ear to ear at the green cloaked stranger.

"You summoned us?" Laura fumed as she stepped forward, arms angrily crossed over her chest. Her nail were digging into her forearms with frustration.

Never has someone been able to summon the trio with something as simple as a letter and yet here they stood before a shaggy haired boy wearing a green hoodie and tan jeans.

"That I did love, hope the message wasn't too flashy for you. I like to add a little bang in my work." The stranger was grinning wider than the Cheshire Cat.

"I vote we just kill him now before this whole ordeal bites us in the ass later on." Dick stepped forward only for Kate to grab his arm.

"Not so fast Richard, we might want to hear him out before we get all murdery." She was intrigued by the swagger this boy possessed. The way his body rested was unlike anyone she's ever met. He showed no fear to Dick's threats or Laura's glare it was as if he had no care in the world. Whatever game he was playing Kate couldn't wait to dive in.

"I like her, she must be the leader." The boy states.

"Yes." "No."  One yes and two no's were spoken at the same time. The semi union caused the pirates daughter to roll her deep blue eyes.

"You three have been scheming up quite the plan. I want to help." A smug smirk never left the newcomers features.

"And how would you know anything about what we are planning?" Laura was growing more and more anxious by the minute as she felt like Dick's plan to murder this boy was their best option.

"My shadow told me." On cue a dark figure detached itself from the boy's body and began to hover over him.

The revelation of this type of magic clicked in Kate's mind as her fascination twisted into untainted hatred.

"You're Peter Pan's son."

"oh did I forget to introduce myself? How rude. I'm Parker. Parker Pan."

"I change my mind we can kill him." Kate snarled, a long blade sliding down her white sleeve.

"Finally." Dick smiled widely, his fist covered in blue flames. Laura's black dress extended into tentacles as she grew in height and mass. The trio created a terrible sight however Parker did not fault or back away even an inch.

"So dramatic." He grinned even wider, "Come on darlings, must we really fight? Don't you want to know how I can help?"

"Not really." Kate lunged to strike the boy however she froze instantly as Parker pulled out a small ship cast inside a glass bottle. "Is-is that-"

"Your daddy's ship? Yes. Yes it is. Take it as a token of good faith."

Hesitating the young pirate snatched the bottle and eyes it with intense curiosity.

"The spell to reverse its enchantment should be within Mal's spell book which I know you lot have."

"Psh, no we don't." Dick fails to sound convincing.

"Yes you do. The little witch has been going on a rampage looking for it. Interrogating everyone capable of using magic."

The trio of course already knew this since the purple haired girl had accused them of stealing it first however she couldn't prove it.

"And why would you help us?" Laura couldn't hide her distaste towards the flashy boy.

"I've had my shadow following you lot since you arrived , you three aren't as subtle as you've like to believe. As to why I want to help call it boredom."

Kate drew her sword against his throat, "not a good enough reason."

Parker coughed for the first time showing a hint of discomfort, "alright fine. Not everyone in Auradon is treated equally there are a few of us that don't belong in this world...you can call us the lost children of Auradon if you must."

"How many of you know about our plan?" Kate was taking over the interrogation without hesitation.

"There's me, Mad Max ; who's the hatter's son, Megan who've you met, Ezra is Ariel's only boy, and Jocelyn Aladdin's daughter. We all want to see freedom take over this rule abiding land." As he spoke pure chaos over took his moss green eyes and Kate felt her weapon lower as her grin matched his madness.

"I accept that answer."

"What?!?" Dick and Laura were appalled .

"You want to let the princess' and princes help us?" Dick was trying to process everything causing his brain to thump against his thick skull.

"I got to agree with dickhead on this one Kate, it doesn't seem like a good idea." Laura felt uneasy about letting the royals in.

"Appreciate the back up, could've done without the name calling babygirl." Richard furrowed his brows at the girls earning one sigh and one stuck out tongue.

"Listen we need all the help we can get with this plan and we can't kill them all that would cause way too much attention."

"Smart girl. I knew I liked her." Parker threw his arm around Kate causing her to elbow him in the gut.

"Don't touch me." She hissed as he winced away.

"Fair enough. I'll see you lot tomorrow at lunch and then we can come up with a solid game plan cause honestly I've been watching you and it's been quite pathetic."

"I'll show you pathetic." Dick went to throw a blue flame at the boy however Parker had vanished into green smoke infuriating the hot head even more.

"Holy Hades I hate that kid!"

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