11; Game Time

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"You think Dick will be able to distract Mal?" Kate questions worriedly as we change in our shared room.

"That boy could distract anyone and anything, it's like a sick gift." I reply, pulling on a big red shirt that had Carlos' jersey number written on the back in black and white letters.

"When did you get that?"

"I made it- not the shirt obviously, but I painted the number on a couple hours ago. Cute huh?" Grinning I twirl around as Kate chuckles while shaking her head.

"Dick's going to freak. Hope he doesn't hurt your boy on the field."

I roll my eyes, "Carlos isn't MY boy. He is a guy I'm playing, we use to do shit like this all the time back home. Besides if Dick hurts him I'll just have to nurse him back to health like a good girl."

"Except our scheme's only lasted a night and we didn't go around wearing their labels on our backs. Admit it you like him."

"I don't. Got any leggings?"

Kate holds doubt in her blue eyes, yet goes to her drawers and pulls out dark tights, "Liar."

"Me? A liar? Never." I smirk, catching the piece of clothing as she tosses it at me.

"Just don't get attached L, we have a plan. We can't screw up because of emotions. You know how badly things can go when feelings get involved."

I press my lips in a thin line and nod knowing all too well how right she is.
"This is why we keep you around Kate, always the thinker."

Dick and I can be impulsive, reckless, so can Kate but only when money is involved. When it comes to a plan and survival she's the brightest out of us all, she's had to be growing up around cheating pirates.

"If it weren't for you Dick would be coming up with most of our plans."

We both shiver at the mere thought of him being in charge.

"Thank god you have me then."

A thought comes to mind that puts a damper on our solid plan, "How exactly do you think he's going to distract Mal anyways?"

"Knowing him he'll start with seduction."

"But she's in love with her Boy King."

"Then she'll slap him and he'll say something bad back, cue protective friends and growing crowd. While they're focused on chewing Dick out I'll snatch the spell book from her jacket."

"Bulletproof." I high five Kate with admiration.

"If Richard gets hit you can't step in L." Kate warns, pointing her boney finger at me.

Immediately I hold my hands up in surrender, "I won't."

It may take some strong restraint though. I don't enjoy watching my friends get harassed, it irks me to watch one of them being fucked with. Being friends with a narcissistic hot head doesn't help my anxiety. Dick's constantly getting into fights and I hate seeing him hurt even if it's his own fault. Sure I hit him but I'm allowed to, nobody else can.

"And I will be leaving my blades here, in case I get the urge to shank someone." Kate sighs taking out four small knives from her boots, two bigger blades from the inside of her jacket, one from the back of her pants, and a thin needle-like stabber from her sleeve.

I cross my arms over my chest and arch my brow, "Kate..."

"Ugh fine." Reluctantly she pulls an identical thin needle out of her other sleeve.

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