15; I Look Like A Hooker

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I can't sleep, my eyes remain wide open and starring at the bland celling above.

I'm in Dick's body. He's stuck in mine.


Kate says the spell is temporary and wares off ones the enchanted learn some valuable life lesson, blah blah blah. All I really heard was we are going to be trapped like this forever because Dick sure as hell doesn't learn; it's part of his 'charm' and I don't understand what it is I'm suppose to learn from being an narcissistic pyromaniac.

To make matters worse I have a date with the handsome, white haired boy, sleeping in the bed beside Dicks-mines for the night. I can already picture the catastrophe of a night ending with Carlos hating me and I hating Dick for ruining my plan with his ego. I don't want either of those things to happen; I don't want to lose them both in one evening. I could tell Carlos about our predicament, but that would mean telling him I have Mal's spell book and I doubt that'll go over well....or I can rely on Richard to pretend to be me for a day and hope he doesn't perform dramatically.

I'm so fucked.

As my paranoia increases my over analyzing stress a dangerous, yet strangely powerful, sense forms in the pit of my stomach. The unfamiliar feeling grows with my anxiety until it feels as if my insides are on fire. The burning, despite being painful, is sickeningly peaceful. I'm too entrapped in my high feeling to notice the bed sheets catching fire until I was consumed by heat.

The bright blue flames engulfing me are comforting, hypnotizing, and numbing. Fire may be hot, but in this moment I've never felt so cold. It's as if nothing else around me matters. All I see is a world on fire and it is spectacular.

"Damn it, not again." A groggily voice breaks my enchantment.

"I got the bucket, you get ready to hold him back." An equally tired boy replies.

Bucket? Bucket of what?

"Really hoping you were kidding when you said you'd kill us if we did this again..." Carlos says that which confuses me as to what exactly the boys do in their dorm to Dick at night.

Not giving me time to question the sleepy males someone pours chilling water on top of me, extinguishing the addicting flames and igniting my rage.

"You assholes!" I growled, managing to break out of Jay's hold with incredible strength I didn't know Dick possessed.

"You need to calm down." Carlos warns in his adorable pokadotted boxers and exposed torso, momentarily distracting me. Luckily the dark hides my interest so they don't get the wrong idea about the boy who's body I've hijacked.

"Calm down? You drenched me in water!" The liquid that I once felt unconditionally drawn to was now something my new body despised. It hates every wet, chilly, substance. The one thing I've always loved now felt disgusting.

"You were going to burn the bed again and then us next." Jay says, cautiously inching forward with weary eyes.

Dick's done this before?

"No I wasn't." I hiss through a shut jaw; fire forming over my fist.

"Richard you need to calm down." Carlos calmly speaks, his voice soothing me but not the flames.

"I-I can't." Dick's power is uncontrollable and the more I try to think happy thoughts, or feel relaxed it only amplifies the fire.

My worried tone escaping Richard's lips causes both guys to share shocked expressions. They've never seen Richard vulnerable; and he'd kill them for even thinking he was anything but cocky. He's going to kill me for making him seem soft.

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