13; Time Apart

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When under water everything disappears, there's no noise, no problems, just clear and cold liquid swallowing you into an abyss of nothingness. It's an escape when you don't have to worry about drowning which I don't. Despite my act with Carlos I can in fact swim like a champ, it's second nature for me.   Holding my breath I remain under until I feel as if my lungs are going to explode, even then I refuse to float up for air.

A figure reflects above me, causing my curiosity to win over my will. I shoot out of the water and gasp for air, glaring up at the boy who awkwardly stood on land holding my clothes in his hands.

"Skinny dipping out here by yourself isn't a smart thing to do. What if I was a creep?" Dick dangles my bra on his finger teasingly.

"What do you mean if?" I sass and walk over to him.

"Fuck me.." He mumbles taking in a sharp breath as his eyes wonder my soaked body.

"You wish."

"You're not going to make this easy on me are you?"

Smirking I slowly pull on my panties and then skirt, "Make what easy on you?"

"I need to say it?"

"Say what?" I ask innocently, pulling on the straps of my bra and then turn my back to him, "Can you hook it for me?"

He hesitates before gently clasping my bra closed. Dick's fingers trace my bare skin causing shivers to run down my spine.

"I'm sorry okay?" His hot breath hits the back of my neck, "I'm an asshole. I shouldn't have kissed you like that."

I nod and proceed to put on my top, preparing to accept his apology until he said,

"Even though you clearly wanted me to." 

I spin to face him, "and you know that because you're a fucking mind reader?"

"No but I can read bodies pretty well and yours has been sending strong signals for a while now."

"If I want to kiss you, I'll kiss you." I grab his shirt collar and crash his lips on mine, pulling away quickly, "See I don't need you to read my body."

He chuckles, "You call that a kiss?"

I narrow my eyes at him knowingly, "That isn't going to work mister."

I stomp past Richard and try to ignore him as he walks backwards near the side of me.

"What isn't?" He asks, playing the innocent bimbo as he bats his lashes.

"The whole 'you call that a kiss' routine, I mean is that seriously the best you can do? I'm smarter than most of the girls you've screwed Dick."

"Debatable. Obviously you're not very smart if you screwed me right?"

I stop in my tracks to give him another death glare which causes his smirk to fall and his hands to shoot up in surrender.

"I swear that sounded better in my head."

Rolling my eyes I continue to stalk off and head toward the dorms.

"Laura will you just stop walking for five fucking minutes and talk to me?" He grabs my arm and forces me to look at him.

"What?" I snap.

"I am sorry and you were right earlier. I was looking for an easy fuck-"

"Easy? You thought I'd be an easy fuck!"

"That's what you said!" He shouts back, hands thrown in the air with exasperation.

"I said you were looking for someone to fuck the stress out of you. I didn't know you got me because you thought I'd be easy."

He thinks I'm some low standard desperate slut?

"I didn't mean easy as in you'll screw whoever, I just meant easy as-as- as in you'll screw me."

Oh yeah that's much better!

He's just digging himself a deeper grave. He planned to use my past feelings for him to get off, not even thinking about what that would do to me. I'm still getting used to just being friends with him and he knows that.

Dick notices my attitude change from rage to sadness because he places his hands on my shoulders.

"Don't do that baby girl."

"What?" I shrug his hands off and sniffle.

"That! With your eyes don't do that."

I have absolutely no idea what he's talking about.

"I'll let you hit me, right here." He points to his already bruised jaw, "No hit backs I swear."

"It looks like someone already did."

"Kate took a swing earlier." He shrugs, "Please just hit me, it will probably make you feel better."

"I don't want to hit you Richard."

"What do you want then baby girl? Whatever it is I'll do it just don't cry."

I swallow a lump in my throat before answering, "I just want you to stay away from me."

Detectable conflict shines in his baby blue eyes, "Not for forever though...right?" His raspy voice is filled with terror.

"No, not for forever."

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