Chapter 2:

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Chapter 2: My Friend Vivian

               As I climbed aboard the bus I got to thinking that it was quite obvious now that she wants to stay with me. I’ve been thinking about a name for her. It needs to be something that goes with her. I look at her looking at me and I think that it has to be something that just fits with her and me. I try Darcy, Tabitha, and Felicia, but none works for her and I can tell that she’s just waiting for me to hit the right name. I whisper some aloud to her and when I say one word I can feel her sitting taller and more regal than before; I know that I have found the name.


She turns to me and I can see the pride in her gaze as she claims her name. I know from those eyes that we share something that hasn’t happened yet in my time, but could have happened before if only people were more trusting of which that they do not know. Cora climbed off my shoulder to quietly sit next to me while the bus rumbled to life.

           When we finally reached the end of my long ride, I leaned my arm down and Cora immediately climbed onto it. I ignored the gazes of the other rider’s as I walked up the aisle to the front of the bus and got off. Mom wouldn’t be home for a couple hours but I knew what I would get as soon as she got home. One problem about living in a small village was that news travels fast. My mom was probably receiving the news that her only daughter had brought home an enormous Merciless Raptor right as I was entering the door. I opened the door dropped my bags inside then closed the door. I may as well delay the punishment for as long as possible. I went back outside into the fresh air where Cora was probably much more comfortable. I settled myself down on the one rocking chair that we keep outside.

             I slowly reached up, holding my breath, I put my hand against her head and she let me touch her. I slowly started to pet her glossy feathers. Cora must have heard something because she jerked awake and took off roughly scratching me a couple times. She headed to the woods that surrounded our small little cottage in the country. I took the opportunity to go inside to get a snack while Cora was probably off hunting one of those annoying grey squirrels that scampered across our roof at night. I returned to the rocking chair and sat down to await my Cora’s return. She was back within a half hour with a large grey squirrel in her talons. I sat on the porch while she was busy mauling and devouring her meal. I was glad that this kill was obviously dead.

              As soon as she was done, she fluttered onto my shoulder just slightly digging her talons into my flesh. Luckily I had naturally tough skin. Just then who should pull in but my mother back from work? I knew that she already knew so I didn’t even try to disguise Cora from her. Mom walked right up to me but was startled at how big the Merciless Raptor was. She recovered in no time though and went on to scold me for bringing such a dangerous animal home with me. I went on to tell her that the bird just flew down onto my arm and that Cora wasn’t dangerous but perfectly docile. I told her that I had to keep her because she was exactly like me and my only true friend in this lonely world that we call life. Mom just sighed and that was when I knew she was finally giving in to me as always. She was probably thinking about how dramatic I was being, but all I thought of was how dramatic she was being. When you’re an only child, you get a lot of things. Cora chose that moment to take off into the night sky.

Mom said, “Well, while she’s probably getting her dinner let’s get ours.” With that said she stepped into the cottage.

            I sighed when I enter the clean, organized kitchen that was my mother’s pride and joy. I obediently set the table for two when she asks. I grab my school bags and retreat to my small room at the back to do some homework before dinner. Then I remember something and grab my rather large bedroom window retching it all the way open. Within a matter of about a minute in, swooped Cora, and we sat in silence as I started my homework. I knew that this was probably the start of some new and exciting adventure in my uneventful life. Cora then proceeded to tuck her big, black head underneath one wing and fall silently to sleep.

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