Chapter 9

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Chapter 9: Zane

                I had a very strange dream that night. Something evil was going to happen and it had something to do with us the dragon masters and I knew that possibly one of us might perish. I woke up screaming but luckily mom’s a heavy sleeper so she didn’t hear me but Kilau certainly did. She was calling to me as her wings worked over time to get to me.

Rose! What’s wrong? She was shouting as I felt her wings building up speed.

It was just a nightmare, Kilau. Sorry if I worried you but it was an awful night mare, I told her. This concerned her deeply; when I asked her why she told me that the other dragons had become restless as if something was coming.  She told me to go back to sleep, but I couldn’t so I went out to check on Cora and I didn’t tell her about my frightening nightmare I just pet her head and I’m sure she could feel my fear but she didn’t ask a single question all the time. I eventually walked back to the house and got ready but I didn’t feel like going to school but the school would inform my mom about any absence since I had a former record of skipping classes and even school completely.

            I was pretty much a zombie the entire day; I just couldn’t stop that sickening feeling in my stomach that something awful was coming our way. The others still looked happy and acted as if they couldn’t feel the foreboding and I knew then that they couldn’t so I must be the only one who’d had the dream. I got home that afternoon feeling the feeling just growing and growing and I think that a couple of our group noticed but as soon as I saw them looking at me I plastered on a smile at school.  All the dragons and Almaligadoes (gados for short) knew but as if they realized I needed to figure some things out first all did not inform the others of my dread. I called Cora down and had a pleasant simple conversation with her through mind speak and I knew that she could sense everything that I was feeling inside but was trying so hard to hide on the outside.

Rose, what’s wrong, because I know something is wrong. This is the reason I chose you. I can read your emotions very clearly, Cora asked me in a careful gentle voice inside my head.

            I told her about my dread and my dream. She ruffled her feathers at my dread and told me that when the leader of a group could sense dread it was close and soon. I walked out to find Kilau and Azzurro sitting right outside the door and when I asked, it was Azzurro who answered.

Mistress Rose I would like to show you something if I could. Lady Kilau has already agreed for me to take you as long as she comes to, Azzurro said.

When I asked him about the mistress and lady part, he got a confused look on his face. He told me that since Kilau had been the first and that I’d found most of the other masters that it made me the head mistress of the group, and made Kilau the head dragon. So we were always called mistress and lady and if the heads were male master and sir, it was rather confusing and unnecessary I thought to myself.

             I nodded and Azzurro crouched down for me to climb on. I was a little nervous since Kilau was the only dragon that I’d ever ridden. I hopped on to Azzurro as Diego came bounding over to leap into my dragon mark. Both Kilau and Azzurro took to the takeoff posture and leaped into the sky as one. I used my dragon sight to try and spot the thing that Azzurro had wanted to show me and I knew it must be important. We flew faster than we normally would and that was when I thought that it might have something to do with my dream and sense of dread so it must be very urgent. It was about fifteen minutes before we started to drop in elevation. We must have gone miles out. We landed and I slid off and onto the ground. I looked to Azzurro for a cue; all he did was hold out a large claw and pointed to a spot on the ground that appeared to have been scorched. I walked slowly over to the still smoking ground to see quite a sight indeed. I wasn’t really sure what I was seeing but it appeared to be a nest with two eggs in it a dark navy blue and a deep dark grey colored one.     

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