Chapter 15

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Chapter 15: Awakening

                     Next thing I know my mind is awakened by the talk of humans. Frankly it just gave me a headache.

 “Is she dead? She sure looks dead,” a boy’s voice said.

“No, stupid, can’t you see her chest rising? That mean’s she’s breathing. Breathing means you are alive, so she is alive,” someone snapped back; then came something different.

Quiet! Both of you be quiet. She is waking up. Don’t say anything unless she asks about it. Understand?

“What?” I mumbled.

“Oh, Rose, it is so nice to see you’re awake for a while we all thought you were dead,” a boy said.

                 I opened my eyes and my vision cleared suddenly. I tried to get up but felt my head spin so I just collapsed in a tired heap. My vision slowly came back to me and I recognized all the faces around me. All of them were either fellow dragon masters or mistresses and their dragons. When I asked how they found me all shrugged except Kilau. Kilau told me that she knew I would continue in this direction. I looked down at my hands and in one was my bow but in the other was a beautiful silver dagger. I nodded during the entire conversation and when they asked what had happened before they arrived I just shook my head; I did not want to talk about it I still had flashback memories of the incident. I slowly got up from the ground and saw I had been moved to the entrance of a large cave that gapped from the outside of a mountain right next to the forest where I had been attacked.

                 I got up stumbled and almost fell accept Zane caught me before my head met the cave floor. I grunted my thanks when I noticed the scar running down my leg from my knee down to my ankle and wrapped around my calf. That had been what made me stumble. I leaned down onto the ground and placing my hands onto my injury I tried to imagine my leg healed but all I got was a regular leg with a scar that ran the length of my leg but was faded. My hands glowed silver and the glow seeped into my injury; then it all slowly faded away. My leg was perfect except for my scar that no matter what I did it would be there for as long as I lived. I got up and tested my leg it held strong this time with no pain what so ever. I walked to the entrance of the cave knowing that all eyes were on me. I saw that it was a long way to the ground but I started climbing down. I had to prove to myself that I was still able to do this even after such a horrific injury. I knew the others would follow since I was the dux.

                      I went to the area where I had first been surrounded by the vampires. The air seemed thicker here because of the evil that had been here many years. I dropped to the ground without a sound and crouched to the ground. I studied the ground for a moment and then suddenly I was off and running through the woods faster than any deer could. I heard the others scream my name calling me to come back but I knew that I had to keep going; there was something else in these woods that knew I had defeated the vampires. I kept running and I knew that the others had mounted the dragons and flown off following me was faster that way. I ran for who knows how long before I stopped at the edge of a burnt forest that was now only charred ground. I crouched down examining the ground with scrutiny. The others landed behind me but Kilau landed by my side and Diego jumped off her back with ease to stand beside me. I stretched up and the cloak was around me once more. I looked at my hair there was dirt and weeds all in it with plenty of tangles I imagined my hair freshly washed and streaming down my back like flowing water.

                    I slowly flickered out of magic my hair down my back like water and I knew that unless I messed with it my hair would never tangle again or become dirty. It was one of those permanent changes that my magic sometimes did to me. I strided across the field of still smoking ground. The others started to follow but I moved too quickly so they all decided to follow me from the air although Kilau was the closest to the ground, the closest to me. I followed the tracks in the ground that I had seen next to the place where the vampires had attacked me without warning. As I got closer to the source of the prints the ground smoked more but where I stepped the ground stopped smoking and new growth immediately started and soon spread. It would take years for this forest to come back but my magic would quicken the process. I hesitated for a moment before I went into the still standing forest of dead charred trees.

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