Chapter 19

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Chapter 19: Their Magic

                        I slept for a long time before I felt something nudge my side rolling me over onto wet ground I bolted awake and sprang up. I whipped around to see the same sea-dragon creature looking at me. I backed away slowly and saw that it moved its head right over to me. About six inches in front of me its head stopped.  I breathed heavily wondering what exactly it was going to do. It backed away slowly and then sprang forward grabbing me with its mouth. I screamed but this creature didn’t let me go. I tried to get to my knife but I couldn’t that was the moment when I realized that it was going to dive back into the pool. I scrambled for my magic. I held my breath right as it dived through the water. I opened my eyes underwater just as a fish shot past my head. Water was being propelled all around me and I could tell that I was moving at an extremely fast pace. I knew that we were going up and I saw the light of day up ahead of me I struggled to get free of this creature and reach the surface and freedom.

                          It just held me tighter and burst through the surface of the water I took an enormous breath and laughed. It felt so good to see daylight again. The creature set me gently in the water finally realizing me from its toothed mouth. I was so happy to see the sky I hardly noticed then it started to swim away and I sure noticed that. I started to struggle towards the creature not knowing what I was supposed to do next and I said.


It turned its head around like it completely understood me and I started to swim over to it.

“Thank you,” was all I said.

You are welcome, miss.

My mouth formed an enormous O when the creature took its leave. With an ear splitting roar it leaped into the air and dove into the water sending waves pushing me towards shore. It had spoke to me I thought as I climbed out onto the pebbly shore. I coughed up a little water because to get to shore it had been a very long swim. I slowly and shakily got up from the ground and started walking. I stopped and turned back to the water. I knelt in the shallows and using my magic I created a miniature of the creature out of the water. Then with a small breath I turned it into shining crystal. Using my magic I sent it into the water knowing that it would find its likeness in the waters below.

                  Now I left the water and walked into the surrounding forest knowing that I might have a long journey ahead of me. I gathered my magic carefully knowing that what I had to do would take a lot of carefully conserved magic. I then used that magic to launch myself into the sir. Still in the air I curled into a ball forcing my energy outwards. I burst. My magic anyway burst. It sent shining silver crystals sailing through the air. I knew that if the others where within a hundred miles they would see the light crystals and come knowing for sure that I was truly alive. I waited in the air forcing my magic outwards in all directions only magical beings would be able to see my light crystals. After two hours of sending my magic out nothing had come I let the last ones sputter to nothingness. They weren’t within a hundred miles of me. I let my magic drop me to earth. I would search to the ends of the earth to find out what had happened and my journey starts now. I envisioned my bow and quiver that I had left when the shadow creature picked me up. Just like that, bow in hand quiver on my back. I smiled my friends would have taken my weapons with them so when they saw them disappear they would know that I am indeed alive and trying to survive. Then Kilau would start to search again. I walked into the forest to hunt for my companions. I’m not sure if I ate or drank or even how long I walked but I just kept walking through those woods for days maybe weeks.

                  I slept little and often walked through the night. I still had my dragon sight so I knew that Kilau was still alive. I felt very sure that no matter what I would find them all or find out what happened to them. I stared up at the sky. I leaped straight into the air with a new burst of energy. I flew straight up and again sent the silver light crystals shooting through the air. I had walked many miles over the past days so now I might stand a chance of finding the others. Then on my third burst of light I heard it. The pumping of wings through the air then an ear splitting roar shook the earth to its core and I saw them. Kilau way out in front straining her wings to reach me. The others close behind but not flying with the urgency of which my silver dragon flew with. I smiled with joy at the sight of her Kilauing scales. We met in mid air and I swear she crushed me with her paws but I didn’t mind because we were together again. She bent her head down to nuzzle me. I hugged her head with pleasure. We settled onto the ground and the others quickly slid off the dragons to come bounding over. Felix and Vivian reached me first. We embraced warmly because in all we were the original group so we were close as can be.

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