Chapter 26: Consulting a Tree

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Chapter 26: Consulting a Tree

                That was when I saw my best friend Vivian wave her hand over me once and my battle garments changed to a simple long sleeved white dress. My hair was curled and a small braid off to the side showing off my features. I then saw Kilau lean down she was the only one who seemed to be holding it together. Bending her enormous head down she closed her beautiful eyes and a single tear rolled down her face and splashed onto where my heart would be. I was yanked back towards my still body with such force it hurt my soul. I blacked and then I opened my eyes with a gasp as I felt air rush back into my lungs after them having not been in use for at least five minutes. Everybody scrambled backwards as I took that breath. Shock was so clearly written on their faces and then when I sat up a small bit of caution, unease, and suspicion leaked onto their faces.

                I felt overwhelming happiness pour from all the creatures around as it was evident that I was going to be okay. Kilau bent her Kilauing head down to rub against me as I felt her whole body vibrate as she purred with relief. I put my forehead against her snout as she continued to vibrate which soon spread to all of the dragons.

You had me worried and scared, Rose.

I know.

I am glad that you have come back to me. I don’t ever want you to leave me again. Who else would I look after?

I can hear the seriousness underlying her humor of the statement. You know what six words I shaped in my mind and I know all of the dragons heard too.

I will never leave you again.

               I sat up with a hand still touching my wonderful dragon, my only other half. It was true what I said; I will never leave them again. I would surely die first. I had found where I truly belong and now there was that one question left that not one of us knew the answer to.

What now?

I got to my feet with a purpose and everyone scrambled backwards as if they were afraid to touch me. I looked at the dragons standing behind them. Raising my eyebrows they chuckled to themselves but knew what I wanted them to do. All bent their heads down and shoved their master or mistress towards me to where they were just a couple feet from me. I looked into every one of their eyes and I saw a pair of violet, light amber, amber, pale pearl, pale pearl, and pale blue dragon eyes. They had all changed and I felt into their minds without them knowing and I saw that Lacey’s skill was the ability to control electrical storms, lightening. Zane’s skill had also come in. He unlike Lacey can control everything in weather.

                 I watched as all of them slowly edged their way forward. I looked them up and down and saw that all had escaped relatively unshaved. Zane’s glittering golden sword was decorated in a crisscross scaring of scratches that I knew would stand forever as a reminded of the battle where we fought as one. My best friend Vivian had a single scratch running along her arm but it wasn’t deep so I wasn’t worried. She held one of her knives and I could see the black dust as evidence of the vampires and shadow creatures she’d slain today. Charlotte appeared perfectly unshaved and as she had stored her disks I hadn’t had a chance to examine her weapons. Lacey was missing eight of her stones but I knew that by tomorrow all will have been replaced. Felix and Shawn all were as they always were. I knew that all were watching me for any signs that I wasn’t real. This was my chance to prove to them that I was here, I was alive, and I was real.

                 I entered their minds and I felt them all communicating with each other. I heard such outrageous things I thought I would die of laughter, such as the following.

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