Chapter one

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Author's notes: So here's my first ever Pokémon fanfiction! I've been meaning to write one of these for so long and I don't know why I haven't done it until now?! Anyway, I know exactly what I'm doing with this one and I have plenty more ideas so expect their to be a rather large infestation of Pokémon on my account (All of which will be about Jessie and James, AKA Rocketshipping)

Anyway, I really hope you enjoy this first chapter, it's only short, but I still hope it's good. Don't forget to leave me a review!
(And a huge thank you to my friend Katy for being my beta reader!)

Extra: This fanfiction is based during the original series of Pokémon, so I've tried to make Jessie and James funny and comical like they used to be. It is also set any time after the episode "Holy matrimony!" and probably after the episode "Go west young Meowth" too.

Prepare for trouble

Chapter one

Team Rocket felt the ground shake and buckle beneath them and soon found themselves experiencing that was uncomfortably familiar: Falling down a hole. Each member hit the ground with a violent force, everything exploded into a cloud of dust and they were left in a heap at the bottom of the hole. James sat up with a slight wobble and rubbed his sore head, "Well, it beats blasting of..." He groaned. Jessie's cheeks turned red. "Oh! And you think this is better?!"

"Well, no but....-"

"If the two of you weren't such idiots we wouldn't be falling down our traps!" Meowth snapped, "We might even have captured that Twerp's Pikachu by now!"

"Well, I don't see you with that mouse's Pokeball in your hand either, Meowth!" James retorted.

"Will the two of you be quiet! In case you haven't noticed we're still stuck in a hole!"

"Sorry, Jessie..." James and Meowth both said. Jessie sighed briefly.

"Right, we might as well try to find a way out of this...Meowth, James and I are going to lift you up out of the hole and then you need to go and find someone that can help us out of here."

"Hey! Why do I always have to be the one running around doing the dirty work."

"Don't start acting all sorry for yourself, James and I do as much as you do...Plus, James and I are the loveable faces of the team, we can't stop looking so amazing just so we can beg someone for help!"

"Excuse me! But who's top cat?"

"You haven't been top cat for months!"

"Well, ummm -" Meowth struggled to think of a good reply.

"If you can successfully complete this task then you'll be 'Top cat'"

"What if I don't wanna?" Meowth pouted. Jessie sighed again. She picked Meowth up by the scruff of his neck and threw him out of the hole with brute force. Meowth landed with a harsh thud.

"I'll get you back for that one, Jessie!" he cried.

"Yes, yes, now run along Meowth, you wouldn't want the Boss to hear about you not helping you fellow team members, would you?" Meowth looked down at Jessie as she spoke and she wore and evil smile. He obeyed her and walked down the dusty path with a grumble. Jessie gave herself a small smile, accompanied by a satisfactory chuckle before sitting next to James in the dirt. James was unusually quiet and staring at nothingness.

"James? James are you okay?" "Huh? Yeah, I'm fine." He lied.

"James, I've known you for a very long time and I know when something's wrong" Jessie said somewhat tenderly, but with genuine concern. James stayed silent.

Prepare for troubleWhere stories live. Discover now