Chapter 4

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AUTHOR'S NOTES: Hey! Sorry this has taken a few weeks, but I've just started my A levels and that's kept me so busy and I also have an acting job. SO a lot fo my free time has gone. But aslo, my friend died a couple of weeks I was out of it for a bit.

Anyway, I've finally got this chapter finished, I hope you enjoy it. NOt sure when the next one will be up, October half term MAYBE? It just depends on how much homework I get. Anyway, thank you all for the support and please leave a review! (:

Prepare for trouble

Chapter 4

The stabbing fingers of the night's cool embrace stirred Jessie awake and left her feeling empty. Her and James slept back to back in the sleeping bag - too afraid to get any closer, regardless of how cold the world was making them. Jessie let out a quick burst of shivers. She flipped her body around within the irritable fabric of the sleeping bag and was me with James' nose pressed against hers. He was still asleep. His warm breath trickled lightly from his mouth and swept across her features like the soothing touch of a lover.

She savoured the warmth of his unknowing self, yet not fully understanding why; maybe it was the calmed thrill of secrecy...or the simple fact that they were still wandering on uncharted territory. She turned around again, still feeling a heavy sense of emptiness, a sense that was pounding against her chest like a weight. It wasn't fear, nor was it was almost...guilt.

She partially unzipped the sleeping bag and wriggled away from the embrace James' presence. She walked away from the campsite - not caring about the loudness of her travel; The moon was her only source of guidance, accompanied by the soft innocence of surrounding stars. As she manoeuvred smoothly through the timber city, something solid cracked across her forehead. Jessie cursed gruffly.

"Stupid branches."

She kept on moving at a slow but careless pace until she came to a cliff edge. She could hear the waves lapping against the stone, like two friends desperately trying to hold each other - but always failing. Jessie sat down on the grass and let her legs dangle above the water; she felt truly free for the first time - a sensation she had only before imagined, like she was a wild Pidgeot soaring above everyone else, its wings slashing through the air.

The wind curled itself around Jessie mall figure and embraced her with timidly - but with wild intentions...he heart was beating faster and for a short moment in time she could forget everything else and just feel the rustic touch of nature around her. She loved the feeling of knowing that there was nothing separating her from danger, it was a raw sensation that made her tingle and bit her lip with nervous joy. But it made her wonder slightly, why does she crave such an experience?

It's not like she had a lust for adventure, nor did she want to put herself in danger...she considered the fact that maybe it was for comfort, so she could truly feel something that was strong. She felt a peculiar sensation trickle down her spine like an insect - causing her to let out a slight shiver; she turned in sync with a proclaiming gust of wind. James was standing a few paces behind her - his body stiff and his eyes overflowing with concern.

"James?" She acknowledged.

"What are you doing out here, Jess?" He questioned as he moved closer. She swung her legs away from the cliff edge - her skirt rolling up her legs slightly. She hugged her knees and avoided looking at James' face.

"Just sitting." She murmured. James sat opposite her - half mimicking her position.

"But why?"

"I just felt like it." She shrugged.

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