Chapter 2

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Author's notes: Hey everyone! Thank you so much for reading chapter one, I've had some very nice feedback from a lot of awesome people (Shoutout to my Instagram Rocketshipping squad!)
I really hope you enjoy this chapter, I feel personally, that I've done a better job with this. Chapter 3 will hopefully be up soon, but I only have one last week off before I start sixth form so my time might get taken up a little. But I hope you'll be as kind and patient as you always are.
Anyway, I really hope you enjoy this chapter and please leave me a review! :D

Prepare for trouble!

Chapter 2

The team all stood side-by-side with their mouths hanging open and James looked like he was about to cry...or run away...or both.

"That's right, James, your darlin' Jessiebelle has returned to you, and I think I can hear wedding bells!" She sung happily. James could feel his hands shaking and his head was drenched with a cold sweat.

"No! -" He squealed, "I don't want her!" He bolted from the team and attempted to dive head first into the hole he'd just been rescued from.

"No James!" Jessie yelled and dove in after him and before they knew it, they were at the bottom of the hole...again. Jessie moved closer to James - who was cowering in a ball. "For goodness sake, James! -" She whispered angrily, "- Will you pull yourself together!"

"Don't you remember what happened last time we met Jessiebelle? I became her temporary whipping post!"

"You could do with a good bit of whipping, it might make you man up a bit...!" She replied sarcastically.

"But, Jessie! She still wants to marry me! And I can't mentally or physically handle that!"

"Look, James, I don't like her being here anymore than you do...but the way I see it, you have two option: You can choose to marry her and get filthy rich with all the wonderful inheritance of yours....or you can refuse to tie the knot."

"I can't, Jessie! I can't get married! You know how controlling Jessibelle is...I simply can't stand it and I want to live my life freely; live the way I want and with the people I want to live it with." He demanded shyly.

"...I understand."

She smiled at him with care, but James just looked down at the ground with sheer worry. Jessie knew she could never force James to marry Jessiebelle, she had been tormenting him ever since he was a child, so much so that he ran away and became a Team Rocket criminal...she knew that marrying her would be a torturous outcome for him; and she would never make him go through that! No matter how rich his inheritance would make him, not even if it was all the money in the world! Because James means more to her than that. "Hey! -" Jessie called up, "- Can you get us back out of here?" She heard Jessiebelle giggle.

"Sure! No problem!" She squealed joyfully.

Jessiebelle flicked her whip down the hole again - almost catching Jessie across the face. Concealing her anger, Jessie unhappily took hold of the whip - with the thick rubber making her grip sore. Her arms ached as she slowly ascended, but soon she was back out of the hole. Jessiebelle was about to repeat the process when Jessie snatched the whip out of her hand demandingly.

Jessiebelle snarled at her, but Jessie just held herself proudly, for she had something that Jessibelle not only desired deeply, but would never have: The companionship of James. Without saying anything, Jessie lowered the whip gently down the hole until she could feel the tension of James' hands on the other end. She pulled him up as quickly as she could, and James stood close to her side once he was near her. She placed a gentle hand on his shoulder and gave him a reassuring look as if to say: 'You can do this", and James smiled in return. He turned to face Jessiebelle.

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