Chapter 3

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••••• Kate's POV •••••

"You've skipped two classes this morning, and biology is almost over. Why did you bother showing up for?"

As soon as I sat down, Tony turned towards me and started to let me have it.

Tony Grae, my twin brother. He's older than me by a teeny tiny bit of time. But that means the world to him. We look nothing alike. Where I have brown hair and dull blue eyes, he has nice jet black hair which made his emerald eyes stand out. Yup, the genes did not get divided evenly between us. It's like, all the good genes went into making the perfect child, then all of a sudden. Another egg was fertilized. What was the baby-making God suppose to do? Well. Give the second egg all the leftover genes, duh. And that's me.

"Kate, are you listening? I said, where is the car? You've had me worried when I didn't see the Civic in the parking lot after morning practice. And your phone? You do know you use that to communicate with other human beings, right?" Tony yelled quietly. I turned to see him looking angrily at me. But, underneath it all. Fear.

I sighed, and leaned on his shoulders.

"Sorry. Your crappy junk broke down this morning - I think the battery died - and I was in the girl's washroom all morning cleaning up," I said while gesturing to my body. "I was swimming in mud since I thought I had time to spare."

I felt him let out a breath I didn't know he was holding, before he wrapped his arms around me for a hug.

"Sorry sis, you drive me crazy sometimes. I worry too much."

"Yeah, you do. I can take care of myself."

I pushed myself out of his embrace to smile at him. He returned the gesture before telling me to pay attention in class.


Ten minutes into the lecture, I was on the verge of dropping dead.

How is it possible for anyone to make such a fun class... So boring? I love Biology and everything about it, but Miss.Harrison made it seem like torture.

As if on cue to wake me up, the door banged opened. The one and only Jayce King himself walked in.

While all the girls are giggling over him and the guys are trying to give him some bro-handshake thing, I was dedicated to ignoring him.

"Jayce King? It's a pleasure to see you. It's been what? 5 years?" Said Miss.Harrison, who turned to look at Jayce with a fond smile.

What the heck? She never looked at me like that? And I was always her top student! And what does she mean 5 years?

"Morning Miss.H," said Jayce. He smiled at her, showing his perfect teeth.

"Are you in this class?" Miss.Harrison replied, before picking up the attendance to check.

"No. I'm in Mr.Resu's Biology class. I just came to speak to Kate Grae, if that's fine with you."

She turned to glare at me. Great. I ignored the looks that the class gave me and glared at Jayce.

"I just need five minutes, Grae."

I got up and followed him outside, but not without noticing Lynn and Claire waving a paper scribbled with, 'good luck!!! :D <3'

Lovely Friends.

Closing the class door behind me, I turned to look at him.

"You've got 4 minutes and 13 seconds left"

His eyes widened, "what happened to the 47 seconds?"

"3 minutes and 32 seconds left."

I felt like a bitch. But he left me in front of the school drenched in mud. Okay, that was a sad excuse for my behaviour... But still.

Grumbling, he pushed a few bags into my arms. I looked down to see a bag from Abercrombie, Levi and Jimmy Choo.

"Clothes. I guessed your size. You don't look big or tiny, which is perfect. Sorry about the mud. Have fun in class." He spoke fast, but I got every word he said.

I looked away from the shopping bags to see him walking away.


He turned.


"Grae, I feel like I owe you. I'm shouldn't have fucked you over. No harm done? You're a good kisser by the way."

And with that, he left me standing there like an idiot.

Great. How am I suppose to hate a guy who skips the first day of class to go buy me clothes?


Short chapter, but there wasn't much to say between Tony and Kate.
The picture attached is kinda what I picture Tony (isn't he hot?).
I don't know why I decided to show Jayce's soft side first, haha.

Anyways, thanks for reading this chapter (: I'll have the next one up, hopefully soon!

Btw, NONE of the chapters I've written so far, or will write, are edited. They are unedited. So it'll be amazing if you guys can point out any mistakes you come across. Thanks (:

Per usual, don't forget to click that star, comment, and share!

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