House work

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Dinah Camila and I were sitting on our porch, when a car pulls up to our house, "Dinah were you expecting someone" "no" she answers Camila screams surprise when normani and ally jump out of the car and run up the driveway to us "MANI ALLY" I scream and bear hug mani "told you it would work Camila" ally says, Dinah picks up ally and spins her in a cycle, "aweee lo the house looks so good" mani says, "thanks to Dinah,I can't really do much till the baby is born" I say well rubbing my growing baby bump, "girls let's go inside, ill show you around" I say and walk inside,
After I showed them around I finally get to the babies room which nobody has seen since we painted, I open the door reviling all the work Dinah and I have done, from the tree to the birds that were a pain in the ass to paint even the change table that took three days to put together, it was perfect, "holy shit lo" ally says, "alls since when do you sware" I say well laughing "anyone want to go swimming" I ask they all nod there heads excitedly and race to the bathroom to change, I put on my bikini look in the mirror and heard Dinah say "your one hot pregnant lady lo" she walks towards me and places her arms around my waste and takes a photo post it on ig with the caption "look at lo, she's one fine ess pregnant lady @laurenjauregui" I hear ally yell "LAURINAH GET OFF INSTAGRAM AND GET DOWN HERE THE WATER IS GRATE" I laugh and walk downstairs and join the girls
"MARKO" Dinah yells "POLO" the girls yell back, I was sitting on the deck tanning when Dinah yell lo pass the ball, I look to my side and see the beach ball "wait I thought u were playing MARKO polo" I ask "I'm spicing up a boring game" she says well winking "Dinah Jane do not throw the ball at them remember what happened last time" I said well laughing "your no fun" ugh Dinah I sware your a kid trap in a adults body
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