Chapter 18

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Evelyn POV-

I woke up with pain, yesterday I got slammed against the wall really hard. I open my eyes and Luke was sleeping next to me hugging his pillow he looked adorable, thank god he's asleep or else he would've caught me staring.
I tried to get up but Luke wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him."Don't go you're too cuddly"he mumbles in his sleep." Luke let me go" I struggle to get out but he holds me tighter." No stay here" he whines."Luke let me go now" I said to him poking his belly.he giggles but doesn't let go of his grip." Luke" I whine." No're my new teddy bear" he says. It's kinda cute I couldn't help myself but laugh.i got out of his arms and went to shower.

After my shower I walk back into the room and Luke is still sleeping.time for a little fun,hehe. I grab a bucket of ice cold water and poured it over him. I quickly ran out of the room. And hid in the hallways closet.i move the coats a bit so I can see him when she comes out. Ahah I poured water on his head. Wait I got water on my bed, fuck I'm gonna have to change the sheets. I Wait for a while and he comes out."EVEEEEEEEEE" he yells. Hehe I'm so mean.i slightly open the closet door and slowly peeked out.i look around but don't see him."Eve!" He jumps in front of me, I scream and lock the door." Open the door!!" He yells."No you will hurt me" I said." No I won't" I tried to turn the door knob." Yes you will" I scream."Eve" he whines." I unlocked the door and he walks in. Suddenly the door slams shut and we're locked inside." Why you closed the door" I asked him." It wasn't me" he said."Ahhahahahaha" I hear from the other side of the door." It was Sam" he rolled his eyes." Sam I swear to god open the fucking door" I yell." Nope not gonna happen" she laughs." Ugh fuck you" I yell."hey if you want to fuck someone fuck Luke" she laughs." Eww no" I said disgusted." No offense" I said to Luke he put his hand on his chest and pretended to be hurt." Don't forget to use protection!!" She yells as she walks away." I'm going to-ugh" I yelled." So what are we gonna do" Luke asked I just shrugged and sat down. Luke turned on the closet light and sat in front of me." I'm bored" I said after a moment of silence.

(A/n omg I really want them to be a couple so bad!! Luvey! Luvey! Luke and Eve ship name)

We started talking about random things for awhile. Thank god this closet had some of my art supplies and stuff so I wasn't bored I kept myself busy." Eve.." He said, I hummed in response." How are we gonna get out of here" he asked I shrugged again." That's it ! Im going to break down this door" he said and stood up. As soon as he made impact with the door Calum opened it wide open which made Luke crash on the floor." Um? I saw Sam laughing her ass off downstairs and I asked her what happened and she told me" Calum said scratching his neck confused. I burst out Laughing at Luke on the floor then I went to help him up." Where's Sam Imma kill her" I looked at Calum and he shrugged. I look downstairs and saw Sam watching Pokemon and eating cheese." Sam...".She looked at me with her wide eyes and said" oh shit".she started running but I tackled her on the floor."get off me you bitch" she struggled to get up." Nope" i Said in response." Pleaseeee" she begged." Fine whatever" I got off her and helped her up." Oh hey I need your help" I said to her." What you need" she asked." I need to pick a name for the dog" I pointed to the pup sleeping on the couch." Speaking of dogs... Did you hear what Andy and Juliet Simms did! They adopted a blind puppy!!" She said in awe." I know I never really thought of him as the sweet kind of guy..I goes I was wrong" I nodded." Anyways how about you name the dog bob" she said." Hahaha no, the fuck who names a dog bob" I laughed." I don't know" he laughed too." Um how about green apple? Apple!!" She said excitedly." Ooh yay thanks I love that name" I agreed and we bro fists.

(A/n- if you don't know what's a bro fist.. It's from one of the best youtubers ever!!!! Hehe)

" hey guys guess what I'm going to name the dog" I said to the guys who were walking down the stairs, Luke was drying his hair with a towel and put it into a quiff." What are you naming it" Calum asked excitedly as her pet the dog." Apple!!" Me and Sam said at the same time."AMAZING!!!!!"he smiles. " that's cute" Luke smiles too." Ooh Eve Eve Eve"Sam pokes my sides." What" I giggle I'm too ticklish."can I buy the collar with his name..I found this app that makes stuff and I really want to make the collar..pleaseeeeeeeee" she said happily." Sure" I nod." Yay" she did a happy dance. " ok bye I'm going to go home and design the collar" she waves goodbye and walks out." I'll come too" he said and walked her out." I'm gonna sleep" I plugged my headphones in and closed my eyes while resting me head on the couch."what so you just gonna leave me here with nothing to do" Luke asks." You can watch tv,play video games or anything you want" I said with my eyes closed."I want to hang out with aren't gonna stay inside all day" he tugs my arm." Ugh alright" I sit up and turn off my music." Yay come with me" he pulls my arm and runs towards the door." Wait" I stop and ran to the couch to get Apple." Wait don't you need to put a lease on?" He asked me." I can't put a leash without a collar. He nods in understatement.we walk out and Sam runs from her house to mine." done" she said catching her breath." Why are you out of breath your house is right there" I point to her house."remember I hate running..and since i never ran in gym at school.. I got lazy" she said she always hated running at school, she usually sat in one corner eating takis(spicy chips) while reading. The gym teacher always yelled at her telling her that he is gonna lower her grade but she never cared.she handed me the collar and I ran to my neighbors to borrow a leash." Hey can you hold him while I go to my neighbors and get a Leash" I told Sam and she nodded.Luke and I walk to my neighbors house ." Hey skylar can i borrow a leash" I said as I pet  her dog." Sure give me a minute" she said and ran upstairs.after a while she came back down" here you go" she hands me the leash and I thank her, then she looks up at Luke." Oh hi" she blushes and shakes his hand." Hi nice to meet you, I live down the street and never seen you before" she smiles politely." I work during the day and usually come home at night. I was off this week so I spend most of my times with my pets"she smiles.theres an awkward silence as skylar stares at Luke. I clear my throat "anyways thanks for the Leash" I said as I stand closer to Luke." No problem, I'm here if you need anything else" she smiles and hands Luke a piece of paper with her number. We walk out and walk back to my house. Sam was sitting on my porch petting Apple." Hey I got the leash" I said and hook it to the collar that Sam made."thanks again for the collar" I said,she smiles." Wait I'll be back in going to change into a better shirt"Luke says and runs to his house." Eve what's up" Sam suddenly spoke after Luke left." What you mean" I said picking up Apple into my Arms." As soon as you came out of sky's house you looked mad" she said as she stood up." What? I don't know what you're talking about" I said and looked away." Come on Eve I know when something's bothering you,I've know you since middle school" she said but I stayed silent." Wow I thought we were fries i guess I was wrong" she put her hands in the air and started walking to her house. I sighed" fine I'll tell you".she turned around and walked back to me." Skylar was flirting with Luke.." I said looking at the ground." Oh.." She said awkwardly." Yeah" I responded.i think she could tell I was ready to blow" go ahead Eve let it all out" she grabbed the dog and put him carefully on the floor."if that bitch thinks she could hook up with him it ain't gonna happen.. She ain't gonna get her filthy hands on him and I'm gonna make sure of it.. I like Luke and I don't want anyone to take him away!sorry I blew up, I sounded too jealous.Luke can date who he wants, I'm not gonna stop him. But even if he does its gonna hurt me but I want him to be happy. I just don't want him to be happy with someone else" I said." Eve..I think I know why you're it because of what Skylar did in middle school" she asked me. In middle school skylar was in the second honors class, once we were all outside and she was drinking beer..she was a bad influence on one of our friends.. And she changed our friend is mentally crazy and is being held in a mental hospital. Thanks to skylar, one of our old friends are now crazy."You're afraid that If skylar gets near Luke that she might change're afraid of losing him" she said quietly.i look down at the feet and nodded slowly.we both stayed in silence for awhile just thinking about what happened a few years ago.

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