One-Shot Winner!

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Hey everyone! Thank you so much for you entries (and your patience as I have had some technical difficulties lately).  I am proud to say that the winning one shot was by EvieHelene!  It was exactly what I was looking for:  It was creative, followed my plot, and was an all around good story to read so here it is!  

Enjoy and again congrats Evie and thank you to everyone who participated!

Tobias's pov
I have waited all these years, these 60 something years to join her. My love, my only love who left me years ago.
God I can't wait to see her again, to feel the sparks every time we touch. I can't wait to feel her soft touch. To see her beautiful eyes. Why did I have to wait all these years? Well that shouldn't matter now, because she loves me. And I love her.
I have been sitting in the hospital for three hours. Barley staying alive. You may be wondering why.
Sixty years, two weeks and one day after Tris left, I fell down the stairs of my apartment. One week later I had a heart attack, which is why I am waiting in this hospital. I really want them to stop all surgery, then I can just go join Tris. Besides, it's no use I'm going to die anyways.
The surgeon backs away for one minute to change his gloves and wash his hands. A nice, long, clear beeping noise comes from the heart monitor.
Everything is dark...

Then a small light appears it grows larger by the second. Before I know it I am completely surrounded by it. And I see her. My Tris. My love. The only thing that kept me living... When I was alive at least.
"Are you ready?" She asks. Even though she probably know the answer.
"Do you know how long I've waited to hear that?" I ask her, a wicked smile creeps up my face, which has changed to make me look like I was 18 again. She looks like she's 16. The ages that we met each other. That was the best year ever. But what will it be like here?
"You're going to love it here," she says as things start to appear. Why does it look like we are outside the fence? "it's just like Earth. Just with no wars and... Deaths. We can go to Dauntless if you would like. Maybe replay some old memories."
She looks up at me, with those strong, beautiful, capturing, stormy-blue eyes. Perfect chance.
"Like this one?" I ask leaning down for a kiss.
"Yes. Well, now my dear Tobias, here we are. Going into our future. A future that can't tear us apart".

I hope you guys liked it and farewell for now! 

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