Chapter 13

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Tris' POV:
I'm in my room, back with everyone else, like before. Except its not like before. Before, Caleb was there. Before, I could look at Tobias without wanting to yell at him. I put my head in my hands as my mind gets overfilled with thoughts. I want to cry but no tears come. So I just sit there for a couple of minutes until Peter comes in. A couple months ago I would be angry at him or afraid, but since he saved my life and "reset" himself, I no longer have reasons to be upset. He walks right in and immediately stops.

"Hi. Tris, right?" He's still getting used to everyone around here and he hasn't seen me much so I'm not surprised.

"Ya." I say plainly.

"I'm sorry about your brother. I didn't know him much but he was nice to me and really smart." He sits next to me on my bed and looks down at the floor.

"Ya." is all I can say. I don't feel like talking right now but at the same time it's nice to have some company.

"So, do you want to go get lunch or something? I bet your hungry." I pick of my head and look at him. He looks back. This is the most normal conversation I've had in a while and I'm having it with Peter. Peter! It still blows my mind.

"Uh, ya. I was getting a little hungry." We go down to the cafeteria and I look around. Christina is at a table with Cara, Uriah, and Zeke. After we get our food, Peter takes me over to them.

"Hi Tris!" Christina exclaims. She gets up and hugs me. I hug back and give her a small smile. I look around the cafeteria. I don't see Tobias anywhere.

"Have any of you seen Tobias?" I ask.

"Wow we haven't seen you in days and that's all we get?" I love how easily Uriah talks to me. No 'Im so sorry!' No looks of pity. I laugh a little. It feels good.

"Hello. How is everyone? Better?" I ask sarcastically.

"Yes. Much." Uriah smiles and I smile back.

"So...Tobias?" I look around the cafeteria again.

"No. I haven't seen him all day." Christina replies. I don't know why I'm worrying, we fought and nearly broke up. Why would he want to be in the same room as me? After I finish eating I wheel out of the cafeteria and into the halls. I go everywhere I would imagine seeing Tobias- the "family tree" room, the control room, and the bedrooms again. No sign of him. After searching for what felt like hours I run into Matthew.

"Hey!" He says. I haven't seen him since I went into the weapons lab. The thought makes me shiver.

"Hi Matthew. Do you by chance know where Tobias is?" His smile suddenly disappears.

"Wait, you haven't seen him?" He looks really worried. "No, no, no. He didn't...." He doesn't look at me.

"Matthew what are you talking about! Where is he?!" He finally looks at me.

"Tris, I think we should talk." He brings me to his tiny office. He sits at his desk and moves the chair out of my way so I can sit across from him. "So after the attack, we obviously knew we had to do something. Had to find out who did this and why."

"Who's 'we'?" I interrupt.

"Me, some GDs, and...Tobias." I look at the table.

" what did you do?"

"So after you told Tobias that you thought the fringe had done it he reported back to us. We looked at the security footage and confirmed it was them. But we had to figure out why, in order to find Caleb. We figured out that it was out of revenge. Soon after the attack we noticed our computers had been hacked. They wiped out everything. But they didn't know we have a backup system with all of the information on it. A few days ago some of us went undercover to see if we could get some information on Caleb. We found out that he was located in a small building surrounded by armed men. We created a plan to go in and get him out but there was the risk of...of Caleb not making it out due to the lack of information we have on his location. Tobias disagreed of course. I didn't think he would go this far though." I don't say anything for a second, I take it all in.

"So you think he went in to save Caleb, by himself?" Matthew shakes his head.

"Possibly...he did know our plans after all." After he says that I realize how it felt to be Tobias. To be him when I left for erudite, to my death. I now know how horrible it feels to have the one you love go, without a goodbye, to die for someone else. My hands shake and tears come rolling down my cheek. I can't lose both of them. Don't tell me I'll lose both of them.

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