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Lamar was a sweetie. He told me so much about him, his family. I returned the favor but not once did I mention my parents or Christian's father. Lamar didn't ask and for that I was grateful. That would come out soon enough... Little did we know we were being watched. Little did I know I had been found by who I had run away from, Christian's father had found me.

We waited on our food, talked, and laughed. Lamar successfully managed to make me comfortable. I had become infatuated with him at this point even flirting with him. For the first time I was thinking it was about time I put my past behind me and move on.

Then the impossible happened.

Cane. My rapist, stood at our table. Lamar immediately stood to shake his hand as I sat there frozen. How did they know each other?

All I could think about was my son. No I wasn't afraid anymore what more could he do that he hadn't done already. I knew I could never escape him, all I could do was make sure Christian was not harmed. I needed to hide him immediately. I would die. Cane would kill me. I had ran after he had told me if I ever left he find me anyway. I accepted my fate but I'd be damned if Christian got in the middle. I looked at Lamar. He had almost made me hope and have faith again but now I had to let him go.


I was waiting on Renee's laughter to fill the air since I had been telling her jokes and funny stories but I noticed Renee's attention elsewhere I turned to where her eyes were fixed in shock. It was my acquaintance Cane. I personally didn't like him but we still ran in the same circles. We never liked each other especially since he tried to bully my sister Kayleen into tracking down his 16 year old step-sister. I stood to shake and greet him while his eyes were on Renee in a predatory glare.

"Cane. Renee." He shook my hand, briskly.

"Nice to see you Lamar, is this the flavor of the week? Renee huh? Thats new, seemed you'd disappeared off the face of the Earth. Where is the child?" He said, never taking his eyes off Renee. Warning bells were going off in my head right now.

Her eyes had turned empty, that sparkle gone as if her soul had fled her body. I ignored Cane as Renee stood her lifeless eyes turned to me.

She ignored Cane. "Lamar it was a pleasure." She walked away and I froze trying to put the pieces together. Fuck! Why else would he know her? Sick bastard.

I stood to catch up with her and Cane reached out to grab me. "She belongs to me Lamar. Always has, always will." I didn't give a fuck. I floored the bastard.  I had to go get my woman.

I knocked the smirk off his face with my fist.

"Be Fucking glad thats all I can do to you here. I'll kill you if I see you again!" I snarled.

If what I believed was to be true... If Cane had raped her he would disappear, permanently. It wasn't a threat but a promise.

I caught up to her right outside the restaurant, her face up towards the sky, her eyes closed as rain fell upon it. She was beautiful, so beautiful. It was like pain radiated from her but face was peaceful. As I whispered her name those beautiful eyes had darkened in resignation.  I quickly hugged her holding her as tight as I could before I pulled back. She gave me a small smile and I gently grabbed the keys out of her hands not sure how close to breaking she was. I led her to the car.

When I started the car she whispered, "Christian."

"I'll take you to him right now Renee, right now."

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