Breaking Rules

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The moment I shot her my hands started shaking, I felt like a monster. 

Lamar lowered my hand that still had the gun pointed at her body, removed the gun and hugged me.

"Its no way a normal mother would let her child get sexually abused under her roof and not do a damn thing about it.
She sold you to this boy and her sick ass husband allowed it. They all were sick minded and you are nothing like these bastards.
You are nothing like her!"

The red haze that surrounded my vision begun to fade and I faced the aftermath of my decision. Tears flooded my vision but I didn't dare shed one tear.

Lamar was right. This woman had given birth to me, abandoned me and let someone break me beyond repair. I was nothing more than an investment to her.

I couldn't regret my decision to take her life when she had destroyed mine, but now that I had to face the threat of my father being involved in this... My mind was a jumble of thoughts now.

The stakes had just gotten higher. My father was off limits and if Cane wanted to break some rules then I would fucking break them all.

"He has my father." I whispered.

"I heard. He's gonna use your dad as his trump card, but that's no longer the case. He doesn't know you talked to your mom and he won't know until its to late. We have to stay two steps ahead of the bastard."

"I haven't talked to him in years. I had him believe I was dead just so I could protect him. I did all of this to protect him Lamar. Some freaking daughter I am."

He forced my eyes level with his. "You did not fail anyone. Not me, not Christian, and damn sure not your dad. Don't let this overwhelm you, because with your mom is out of the way you've already won."

I forced myself to suck it up. "Kiss me!" I said desperately.

He smirked, pulling me further away from my mother's body. "Definitely not here."

We kept going over the best way to kill Cain. I knew he would want me alone to rape me again before either killing me or keeping me as some type of trophy.

He would just have to kill me cause I wasn't giving away nothing without a fight. Cain didn't know I had murdered my mother, didn't even suspect that I was capable of such a thing.

Wouldn't he be in for a surprise? I came here ready to kill two people today, but Cain's father had already been murdered. Poor Cain, thought he could get the keys to the kingdom by murdering his daddy only to find out daddy had shit set in place that he couldn't easily gain control of.

Not sure how my mom fell into the plan but I'd find out for sure.

Lamar was driving but I wasnt paying much attention. I wanted Cain out the picture now. I wanted Lamar now. I glanced at him, wondering when I was gonna get my kiss. As if he'd heard me, he smirked.

"Patience Renee." So Lamar wanted to play? 

"Pull over Lamar." I said seductively. We swerved a little and it was my turn to smirk. I noticed his pants now had a dent from his erection and it fueled my resolve. My hand began trailing up his thigh and he clenched his jaw. 

"Gonna gimme my kiss now, Lamar?"

"Renee, you're about to get more than a damn kiss now." He said as he placed my hand on his dick. 

Dammit he was so sexy. He had barely pulled over before I was in his lap kissing him senseless.

Once we caught our breath, he said, "I love you too. I think I loved you from the moment you knocked me on my ass..." I laughed. Everything was gonna be okay.

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