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Renee POV

"Cane found me."

Chris was immediately at my side comforting me though at this point I needed none.

"Are you leaving?" Chris asked.

"No. This is my home. But I have to seen Christian someplace safe. I know he's going come after me. I'm not sure what he would do if he caught ahold of Chrisian."

"He would harm his own son?" Lamar asked.

" I don't plan on finding out. I will not let him hurt me ever again. I'm fighting his ass and Christian would complicate things for me simply because he would use him to keep the tie to me or kill us both."

"Over my dead body." Lamar said.

My heart swelled at that admission but I knew I needed to fight this battle by myself.

"Will you be afraid to fight him Renee? You do have a black belt and you are more than capable of defending yourself at this point right??"

"Yes, I'm not afraid to defend myself. I was so fucking defenseless and naive then! Not ever again.! " I exclaimed.

I was angry for walking away form the table, for almost giving up. I was fucking pissed at almost letting the bastard win.

"Renee," Lamar began stuttering a bit. "C-come live with m-me until this dies down, until you can get Christian away from him."

I could see he was nervous, hell I was nervous. He wouldn't meet my gaze so I forced him too. It was actually a great idea. I kissed Lamar on the cheek.

"I'll ask Christian in the morning. But tonight... Just stay with me."

Lamar's eyes nearly popped out their sockets. I unsuccessfully managed to hold my laughter in at his expression and he turned red in the face.

Chris chuckled making his way to the door. He patted Lamar's shoulder on the way. "Well thats my cue to go. You take care of my girl."

"Will do." Lamar managed to choke out.

He was still reeling from me asking him to stay I knew. It was actually adorable. I wasn't ready for us to become a couple yet but I didn't want to pretend not to want him because I did. I wanted him in my life. I saw he had potential to be a great father to my son and a great friend too. If he didn't get overwhelmed with this situation and decide I held too much baggage, I'd give us a chance.

"Lamar?" I whispered when Chris left and I locked the door behind him. I could feel his heated gaze on me without even looking and found myself getting turned on. I hadn't felt this feeling in such a long time it was almost foreign to me. But that heat made its way to my lower stomach and my mouth went dry. My eyes closed on their own accord.

And suddenly Lamar was there kissing me. He kissed my neck and pulled me closer. I gasped when I felt the effect I had on him, wanting to lose myself in his touch even more. But I had to show restraint... Now definitely wasn't the time. Suprisingly Lamar was the one that pulled back. He kissed my forehead and whispered, "I'll wait for you, Renee."

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