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He once again like last time grabbed my arm as I walked off. I gave his hand a glare and he immediately let go and took a step back. Then another, before he looked at me warily. I smirked, he definitely remembered my lesson.

"Sir. I've done my job. Is there anything else?"  I smiled cockily.

"I specifically asked for a male driver, you're obviously a woman. I should get a refund for the amount I've paid for this. I'm tired of women trying to do me or manipulate me instead of just doing their jobs."

Was he insane? I just had to spell it out for this dumb ass.

"Well sir, I have no intention of doing you, manipulating you, much less continuing this conversation with you, I did my job. I assure you, I am not interested."

 He was starting to turn red in the face. Ohh somebody was getting a little flustered.   

"You demanded a driver last minute and there are consequences to waiting last minute. I had a job to do, its done." As far as I was concerned his ass could take several seats, I didn't want his ass.

"Do you know who I am?"

This again? I seriously didn't give a fuck.

"You're obviously nobody to me. Who cares? Please take a hint. Good day." I turned to walk away.

"Wait! You really don't know who I am?"

I sighed. "No, I only know you're the guy who needed a lift to Texas for business by 6:00 pm and sir, its 6:00 pm."

"Your name?" He asked, stopping me once again.

"I don't care for yours. You shouldn't care for mine." I got into the car and started the long as drive home.


When I was almost back Christopher called. It was almost 3:00 am.

"He has deposited $1 million in your bank account.

"1 million?! Your freaking kidding!?" 

"Well, what that mouth do?" He joked.

"Talk shit, boss, what else?" I smirked. 

"This was the same guy I had the misfortune of meeting yesterday. He didn't recognize me immediately but he was still a total asshole to me. Today he was a lil salty when he remembered me. No more billionaires boss."

"Too bad. Your now his designated driver Renee. Had to Renee. Sorry."

I grimaced. "Shit."

"On the bright side you got some bandz. But... Fair warning, flowers are fucking everywhere in your office."


"Pulling up now." I ended the call.

I was so tired when I scanned my pass card and stepped into the building greeted by my boss.

He gave me a key. "Congratulations. You made a fucking million dollars today!"

I smiled, jumping a little while I headed to the elevator. My tiredness gone when it opened, I was nearly running down the hallway to see my office.

I opened the door only to see flowers of every kind everywhere. It was beautiful the way they all were arranged around my office. Smirk. Smirk. Smirk.


I wasn't dumb enough to let this woman walk away from me a second time. I knew God was working, she had to be my blessing. I'd give anything to keep her, to be with her. It was sad that I'd had to stoop to stalking her and bullying her boss to learn more about her but I couldn't help myself. I had to know more about her.

Now here I was sitting outside her work place at fucking 6 in the morning waiting on her to come out.

Speaking of the devil, she's coming out the building with my flowers and I felt my heart stop beating then start racing. What the f*ck was this feeling?

My stomach felt cramped and I was warm all over. Man I had it bad, f*cking women were f*cking sent by the devil.

If my sister was here she'd be laughing at me. The last words she'd said to me was that she couldn't watch me become a piece of shit like our father. I felt shame now that I remembered the look of pain on her face before she'd walked away from me.

When Renee went back into the building I shot Kayleen a quick text and asked her to call me as soon as possible. This was a emergency. I needed help if I was to get Renee to look my way twice. I needed this woman. I wouldn't care if she beat my ass again, turned my life inside out and crushed my heart. She would be worth it.

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