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Decided to drag it out as long as possible for you guys. _bunny



Cane had been driving for a really long time and being a driver myself, I knew that we had probably crossed about 4 states by now. For whatever reason I wasn't afraid. I was biding my time because the first chance I got I was gonna kick Cane's ass.

"You aren't listening again Maria!"

"It's Renee now." Small talk really wasn't on my agenda. He was like an annoying ass fly that kept buzzing by you.

"Well I don't like Renee, Maria!" I ignored his dumb ass trying not to roll my eyes, he was so childish. Right now silence was my most effective weapon.

He kept trying to have a conversation but I had nothing good to say so I wasn't saying anything at all.

"Remember when I called you Mia?"

"You've called me lots of names Cane."

He groaned in frustration. "Why are you like this? We were such good friends once..."

"Before you fucking raped me, you pervert." I cut him off angrily. "I was fucking 13 years old the first time and 17 years old the second time! How old were you then? 18? 22?"

"What does my age matter? You should've learned your lesson the first time. You ran away from me Maria. I do not like my things to not be where I left them."

"I was never never seemed to get it. I was a child. I didn't want you then and I damn sure Don't now."

"You were a woman from the moment blood started to pour from your womb. Remember your mom celebrated it and said you were now a woman. I was not being a pervert. You carried my child, that means you love me and once I get a hold of Christian as well we will be a happy family."

"Yeah? Well I have to piss. Now!"

He pulled over on the side of the road to my dismay. Nobody was out here but us. "Its pee Maria, not piss. You used to be such a timid little angel."

"That's before you killed her!" The look he gave me in the rearview mirror spome volumes. Cane was just about to crack. I smirked at him.

He opened my door before backhanding me and pulling me out of the car. "You really have changed. It won't take long for you to adjust back to my Maria after I kill Lamar."

"Killing Lamar would only make me hate you more."

He ignored me."I'll be 30 soon and without a wife and child I cannot gain full control over my father's company." The veins in his face were beginning to pop out and his face was bright red.

"He touched what was mine. I don't like people touching my things." He said stroking my thigh. Fuck! As he went for my pant's zipper I realized he had a bulge in his pants. Fuck no! Not this time.

I pissed right then and there.

He jumped back disgusted and I mentally sighed in relief as his little viena sausage went back to normal.

"What the fuck Maria?! You pissed on my hand!"

"Couldn't hold it in anymore Cane. Don't be such a little bitch. Oh wait, too late."

He looked at me incredulously. His ears were now red. Well I knew I was seriously pushing my luck so I shut up. I had successfully bought some time though.

"You are gonna watch me shoot Lamar and your dad repeatedly, knowing that its your fault they will die. If you had been a good girl nobody would have been hurt." Cane had a fucking serious mental problem. At this point... I kinda did too. My vengeance vendetta was probably not very heathy, I was obsessed with how I was gonna kill him at this point.

He shoved me back inside the car and we were back in motion.

The smirk never left my face.

"I'm hungry now Cane." He growled angrily and I laughed. I was playing with fire at this point but I doubted I'd get burned.

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