Show Time

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It took everything in me to drive past them without looking at the car to search for her face.

I wondered if she had been bloodied and bruised by him.  God I hoped she knew I was coming after them with everything in my fucking soul.

I took a deep breath. My Renee was strong. She wasn't going to be a victim ever again. She didn't need to be rescued. I knew this. I knew she could hold her own but I'd promised to be by her side just in case.

I only wanted to make sure she would have the ups on him, then he would be all hers.

Now I was about 40 mins ahead of them and I had just enough time to hide the car and wait to ambush the bastard. I couldn't wait to get my hands on him. To see her beautiful eyes fill with that intense focus that gave me chills.

I turned off the road onto a path I knew by heart. Finally I was here. As I pulled up I saw Kayleen poke her head out of the cabin door and I held up a hand telling her to wait. I had to drive past the house a little into secret clearing and I walked back.

Christopher, Kayleen and another man, her father, waited for me. I was a little nervous about meeting him.

As I got closer Kayleen ran to me hugging me tightly.

"How are you holding up bro?" She asked as we walked the rest of the way back together.

"I'm relieved that I made it in time." I answered. "But also anxious."

We reached the others and after Chris patted my back in welcome Kayleen introduced me to Renee's father, John.

"Heard a lot about you Lamar." I held out my hand for him to shake.

"All good things I hope." 

"So far so good after the store incident." He shook my hand.

Kayleen and Christopher had disappeared upstairs and it was just him and me.

"I passed judgement on Renee without knowing her and she kicked my ass for it and set me straight."

"That's my girl." He said smugly.

"Since that day I've been trying to do everything to make up for it. She's been to hell and back and all I want is for her to be happy. I want to give her stability and security and make sure she's comfortable the rest of our days."

"Sounds like a vow to me, young man, I think I hear wedding bells."

"With your blessing, of course."

"How soon are we talking?"

"Immediately, after Cain is... Deceased."

"I like you Lamar. You have my blessing." He pulled me into a hug I gladly returned.

"Thank you."

I called Kayleen and Christopher down so I could tell them the plan.

"I have a bat here. Can we all take turns beating the shit out of him?" Kayleen asks.

"Nobody interferes unless Renee needs help." Christopher says.

"I will ambush him alone and only when I'm sure there isn't any weapons that can be used against her and its its a fair fight will I go." I said. "Understood?"

"I want to help." Renee's Dad said.

"Oh you will." I said darkly. "You will be a great distraction.


I saw the van driving up the trail to the house and shivered in anticipation of finally getting my hands on the bastard that hurt the woman I loved. And after today he never would again hold any type of power over her.

I saw him look at the house in confusion when his guards didn't immediately come out to greet him. He paused, calling them I suppose and when he got no answer he pulled out a gun. Bingo.

He dragged Renee out of the car by her hair and I knew by the smug look on her face she'd given him hell the whole time. He put the gun to Renee's head and my heart skipped a beat.

I signaled to the house and almost immediately her father walked outside bound and bloodied as if he was still held hostage.

Renee gasped in pain and Cain smiled, lowering the gun to take enjoyment in her pain. The bastard! I moved.

I saw her eyes widen in shock & hope as I ran at him from  the tree I was hiding behind. Cain turned just as I tackled him knocking the gun far out of his reach. Renee lunged for the gun, grabbed it and ran to her father.

He lifted his hands and the ropes fell off him, letting her know he was okay. He wiped his forehead of the "blood" (Ketch up) that covered him as Cain and I wrestled in the dirt. I checked him for more weapons but he had none.

I glanced away to see her father untying Renee and Cain used my distraction to his advantage as he punched me in the throat. Fucking Coward!

I fell back in pain coughing uncontrollably just as Renee kicked Cain in the balls. She moved like lightning. It was so fucking sexy. I winced anyway, I swear I heard something crack. From personal experience I knew Renee had a mean kick. I'm just happy I wouldn't be on the receiving end of it again.

Cain squealed like a little girl and I slowly backed away as Renee looked at me and tossed her head towards the house. The unspoken words to get the hell out of her way made me smile. She had this under control.

Fucking Show Time!

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