A handful of Shadows {Thirteen}

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A/N This chapter and the next two are the most intense of the book so far XD Excitted?

*Charlie’s POV*

“Are your parents out of something?” I ask Rex as he leads me up the stairs in this deserted house. It’s Saturday and he’d invited me over. I hadn’t been exactly ‘eager’ to visit with him, but I’d had nothing better to do, so who wants to sit at home alone?

“Yeah” he replied absently, giving me a pinch of discomfort.

“Should we really be here then? Are you sure they wouldn’t mind…” I stopped hesitantly.

He turned back, annoyance flickering in her eyes “Yeah, it’s fine” he hissed, grabbing my wrist and dragging me into his room. The lights are dim and he makes no movement to turn them on. “Make yourself comfortable” he suggests, flicking on the music louder then necessary.

I sit on the edge of his bed, feeling awkward and out of place “So, umm, what did you want to do?”

I look up to see him standing by the door, a smirk on his face “I was thinking we could get to know each other a little better”

“Oh..” I grab one of his pillows and hug it to my chest, watching my feet.

I sits down next to me, our legs touching. The contact bothers me for some reason.

“Hey Charlie..” When I look at him my lips are crashed down on roughly.

I freeze against the uninvited kiss, stiffen as the unwelcome hand grabs my inner leg.

Push against him as he pushes himself aganst me. “Sto-” I’m cut off by his aggressive lips.

I start kicking “I said stop!” I shout. His grinning face above mine disturbs me

“Listen here you little tease, I took you on a date, did the whole ‘romantic thing’ now it’s time to put out” he chuckled, diving in to assualt my lips again. Put out? I started struggling with all my will, calling myself an idiot relentlessly for coming here. I was scared.

I bit down on his lip finally. Hard. “Fuck” he backed off me a little, hands going to sooth his bleeding lip. I used this time to flail madly, falling off the bed and onto the floor with a painful thump. Stunned momentarily by the pain, I feel his finegrs wrap around my ankle. I scream.

“What the hell are you doing! Let go!” I wail, kicking like crazy back at him.

“Shut up” he snaps “It’s not like anyone can hear you”

I ignore him, screaming more loudly and breaking his grasp.

I get to my feet and dash to the door to find it.. Locked? I scream again, but now I’m trapped between a pissed Rex and a wall. He grabs me by the front of my shirt and throws me onto the bed, so I’m positioned on my stomach. I feel weight drop onto my back.

“STOP IT!” I cry, so terrified now that my body was shaking.

He laughed at me, feuling my fear, before shoving a sock deep into my mouth.

I made muffled noises but it did no good. No matter how hard I tried to get him off, it didn’t work as he slid off my belt and pulled down my boxers and pants, leaving me bare. Tears slipped from my eye’s, and that’s when, completely unprepared, blistering pain rocked me.

I screamed against the sock and heard unpleasant noises from my toruter.

“Stop” I begged miserably, filled with the pain of being ripped in two.

He didn’t stop though, and I was left in agony.

The pain lasted half as long for my mind as it did my body. Eventually my mental standing couldn’t take any more of this terror, this coldness and unsheathed anguish, and withdrew into itself. I wasn’t there any longer, not consciously as Rex abused my physical state.

I went somewhere far away… somewhere with Riley.


When he was finished, he left chuckling and satisfied, hoping into the showing. I knew I had to get up, leave, but moving was so painful it was unbearable. So I lied there a little longer, in the growing blood stain on his bed. I was disgusting.

When I heard the water turn off, I curled in on myself, scared all over again. I should have left. I should leave now. But the smallest movement.. The tinist shift of weight… was hell. I listened, eye’s closed, as Rex reentered the room. I felt his eye’s roam me and he snorted.

“You really are pathetic. Hurry up and get out of my house before my parents get home.” he grabbed himself some clean clothes, freely changing in front of me. His eye’s meet mine once more “Oh, by the way, tell a single person and I’ll do it again. It’s not like you have any proof anyways”

Tears slid down my cheeks. It was another five minutes before I worked up the courage to move though. Walking home, hunched over, slightly waddling, and in a hellfire of pain, was the worst and most painful thing I’d ever done. I walked through the front door and straight to the bathroom.

I turn on the water as hot as it would go and sat down, letting the shower head rain water on my, rinsing off the filth and blood. The hot water hurt and relaxed at the same time, my aching muscles feeling a little better but not much. I let the tears, blood, and water blend, all going down the drain as one pink mess.

I whimpered, listened as the sound echoed off the showers walls.

I wouldn’t tell anyone. Because then the world would know that I was vile.


I know-sloppy sloppy work. I feel the next two chapters are better, becuase I didn't really know how to write a scean like that ^ . Poor Charlie.. Evil Rex >:( Betcha you never saw that coming ;) Anyways, comment opinions, next upload will come after comments *Yawn* <3

WAIT! Please tell me how you thought i did! For chapters like this (non boring chpaters) it's very importiant to recieve opinions! <3  

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