A handful of Shadows {Twenty Three}

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*Quinn’s POV*



Waking up with his arms around me was worth any trouble we might get in. I’m chessy, I know that with every fiber of my being, but just listening to him breath has the ability to send me back to sleep. That’s no lie either. That’s why I tried to focus on something else-going back to bed wasn’t the awnser.

I’d told Tyson what I thought the awnser was. The easy answer. If we were dead, we wouldn’t have to put up with this. Granted, nobody knew what happened when you died. I might go to hell for liking my brother or even just liking guys. Nothing might happen-I might just stop exsiting.

But wouldn’t that be better? Better then being a hidrance to everything and everyone? Better then being miserable for being in love? I swear to it, and I know it’s the truth, if getting out of bed wouldn’t wake Tyson I might tip toe to the bathroom and swallow every pill I could find.

Then again.. Maybe not. I don’t want to hurt the boy who clung to me so sweetly well he dreamed. I reach up to brush some ahir from his face, trying not to smile as he mumbled and held me tighter. This was definitely love.. Maybe more so. Love ended. My feelings for Tyson never would.

He thought I was the childlike one, but I think he was wrong. I might complain and have a temper and as mentioned before, be chessy, but he saw everything as so bright and beautiful. He was so.. Optimistic? Mistakes could be fixed in his world. The real world however…

“How low can you sink?” Tyson teases, and I realize I’m gazing right into his now opened eye’s “Watching me sleep? You really are to much sometimes” his arms circle me further , so that even if I wanted to, I couldn’t leave him. I didn’t want to. “Watching me sleep? How much more romantic can you get?”

I furrow my brow, as if accepting his challenge “I could kiss you awake” I suggest

He chews it over “Okay. Give it a try” his eye’s reclose.

I lean forward carefully, and press my lips against his. Magical..

I start kissing him, his unresponsive lips still better then a kiss from anyone else. I slip my tongue into his mouth and listen as he groans lightly, arms flexing to hold me still as he ‘wakes up’ and starts kissing me back helplessly. “Fuck..” he mutters against my lips, thoroughly enjoying himself.

His hand reaches down and grabs me through my boxers, making me yelp “Hey now! We just woke up!”

He chuckles at my protest, my hands going down to try and pull his away “Your point is…?”

“Someone’s coming!” I hiss. He pauses, listening. When he realizes I’m not bluffing his entire face drops like I just ruined his whole day by not letting him jerk me off. I give him a quick ‘sorry’ kiss as he moves his hand away and then lean into him as the door opens.

Emily stand in the doorway. She has tears in her eye’s. “This is so messed up…”


Emily can call it messed up all she wants, I call it a blessing. Tyson would not keep his hands to himself in the back of Nadine’s car, trying to share his excittment? I didn’t know, but the million kisses thrust onto me were not exactly something I was prepared to complain about.

“Hey now, none of that” Nadine complained from the front seat, watching us in the mirror.

She was an angel. A goddess. A saint. Our saviour was more like it. To think I woke to suicidal thoughts and now here I was, on my way to a new house and things were finally looking up. Our parents had agreed to let us stay with Nadine. They said it was temporary. That was the only downside.

“Do you want some love?” Tyson said, to estatic to take her warning seriously. She didn’t seem very serious anyways. He leaned forward and reached around the front seat to kiss her cheek. She slapped him playfully back, muttering that she was ‘driving’. She called this driving? I called it insanity.

Tyson poked my ribs. “We’re here!” I look out the window at the tall apartment. Home?

Nadine doesn’t even park the car before Tyson flings open his door and jumps out. I can’t help but laugh at him-he was as overly happy as I was. He shuts the door and waits for the car to pass him, following the trunk, ready to grab our luggage. When Nadien pops the trunk I begin to unbuckle.

“Tyson! You are not taking all that luggage by yourself you idiot!” I call after him, as he attempts to carry almost everything at once. He’s smirking though, and me and Nadien are fighting smiles and we run after him, stealing suit cases and bags. He sulks, but it’s not like he was getting anywhere anyways.

Two trips back to the car and a lot of laughter later, we were officially moved in. I wish I could claim a blood relation to someone as amazing and carefree as Nadine-she didn’t even raise an eyebrow at us sharing a room. Tired from all that carrying, we all collapse into chairs in the living room.

“Nadine?” I ask, as Tyson steals one’s of my hands from where he’s sprawled across the couch.

“Mhm?” she groans tiredly, well Tyson begins tracing patterns.

“I was just wondering.. Why are you so chill about this whole thing?” it was a good question.

She turns her face to look at me “You two aren’t even related… I never even thought of you as his brother to be honest” I try to see things from her prespective, the woman who mothered Tyson. I guess.. Me and my own mother.. Must seem like something completely separate from Tyson in her mind’s eye.

“Okay.. Then I have.. One more question” I’m also going to punch Tyson who is holding my stolen hand against his face, completely ignoring our conversation. Why? Because it’s painfully distracting. I think Nadine is amused by my annoyed expression because the corners of her mouth are rotating upwards.

“Go for it” she probes after I sit glaring at Tyson to long.

“Oh right.. Umm.. How did you convince our parents? They think… what we are…and what we’re doing.. Is wrong… so they want us to stop” I finally spit out. It’s so hard to think that the two people you’re bron to-the one’s who are supposed to love you at all costs-hate you for who you are.

Nadine full out looks away, and I can tell this time she’s smiling “I think I’ll keep that to myself…”


*Smiles* Nadine is so devilish.. she's like a future Vanessa in my oppinion! <3 (Sorry to those of you who havn't read the Jessie Star series...) Anyways, not alot of comments :/ But I kinda tend to read a chapter of manga then come back and upload the next chapter... but... comemnt more okay! *Grumble*

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