A handful of shadows {Sixteen}

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*Riley’s POV*



This week noone but me seems to be at school. Henry is not answering a single text I send and no one has seemed to see him. I heard a rumour that Quinn ran away-which made me feel queasy. Ollie is no where to be found, and Charlie hadn’t showed up these last few days.

I sigh where I am, getting ready for school in my room. Maybe someone would finally be there today? I was getting sick of hanging out with random kids for lunch, lost in my own world. I really wanted to try speaking to Quinn again-everything he said was right. But I wanted to somehow make things right..

If he ran away then I wouldn’t get a chance, now would I?? also, he might get hurt or even die out there, and I’d be the one to blame. I sqeuzed my eye’s shut, sliding a shirt over my head and pushing the thoughts away. They’d find him soon.

I take the stairs two at a time as I rush down them, hungry and eager to get to the bus stop in case anyone was waiting there. It was a miserable rainy morning, so hopefully if there were people they’d likewise be on the bus. I walk into the kitchen, shoulder slumped.

“Hey baby!” ugh. I loved my mom and all but…

“Are you okay?” her eye’s darken “Is something the matter? Do you need to tell me anything?” she steps forward and squishes my cheeks between her palms, looking down at me fretfully. She’d been like this since she found out I was gay and being bullied because of it.

“Nope, just moping about Charlie” my mother adored Charlie with a vengeance and always nagged me about getting him back .She seemed not to realize I wanted him back, much more then she wanted it for me. I sighed, peeling an orange for breakfast.

“Is that all you’re eating?” she grumped.

“I’ll have a big lunch” I retort, food the last thing on my mind.

“Fine” she pats my hair into place “Want a ride to school?”

“Nope” I grumble-I wanted the oppisite of that for once.

She pouts “Am I reallt that annoying?” I lean forward and kiss her cheek.

“Yes, yes you are. But I want to take the bus for a different reason”

She smiles faintly “Fine then…”

Outside the rain patters relentlessly on the ground. I open my umbrella with a big whooshing sound and hold it over my head. It’s hard to see through the rain, but there’s somebody at the bus stop. To short to be Emily, Tia, or Henry… which leaves Ollie, Quinn, or Charlie.

I like Ollie, but I’m hoping for the later two. I need to talk to them.

When I arrive I see Charlie shivering in the rain, holding a book over his head to prevent the worse of it. Cute. I step closer to him though I know he doesn’t see me yet, and hold the umbrella out over him. Rain dampens my hair but I’m left smiling as he looks up in confsion and turns to see me.

“Hey there” I grin. That’s when I notice the fear in his eye’s. It throbs like a heart beat for a moment, becoming more and more immediate, then recognition hits and it ebs away slowly but surely. He steps closer to me so that the umbrella can cover the both of us.

“Hi” he replies, still shaking coldly. Feeling clichee for doing so, I take off my jacket and drap it over his shoulders. He frowns at me, raindrops running down his cheeks as his hands go up to hold the oversized jacket against him. “Thank you…”

“Are you okay?” I ask, looking into his eye’s. something seemed.. Wrong?

He blinked at me, as if startled “Of course…” he replied. Was that a tear or a raindrop?

“Are you cold still?” I ask. His frown deepens and he nods.

I offer and arms to him. He takes it, tucking himself against my body.

“Does that help?” I ask, hoping It does. I’d do anything to help him…

“Yes. Thank you..” he repeats, clinging to me tightly.



Something had been wrong with Charlie this morning. Yes, it had been raining, but he was angry with me. That means that there could be a tornado outside and he’d still stubbornly refuse my help. What could be wrong? Unless…

What did anyone really know about that Rex guy anyways? What if he was some kind of demented homophoebe who lured guys into dating them then made them feel terrible about themselves? Or what if he like breaking other peoples hearts and had played with Charlie?

My face twisted angrily. I didn’t like the thought of Charlie with anyone else, but if that had to happen temporarily, I wanted it to be with a good guy. Not Rex. He was just.. Ew. Maybe I was biased but I found him thuggish and rather unappealing. Maybe that’s because I liked cute boys?

Still, I felt this warranted a talk with the dick. Maybe I could hit him a few time’s to? Make myself feel better? That sounded nice. It was just after fourth period and I was in the halls, cell phone in hand, texting Henry for the millionth time. Which means Rex would be..?

I sigh. This lead me back to knowing nothing about the guy. Who were his friends? What classes did he have? Any intreasting back ground stories? The old me would have known this stuff about the new kid within a day. The new me was blinded by jealousy and Charlie.

I pace for a few moments then decide to check the obvious places-if he wasn’t a bus student and hadn’t left already that is. He wasn’t in the gym or on the basketball court, but I was rewarded when I walked into the cafeteria and saw him… with Katy on his lap?!

I thought he was gay?! Confusion and automatic annoyance clouded my eye’s.

Walking up to them was no small task but I did it anyways. These were popular kids as well, but the school had come to a divide. There were two different cliques of popular. Mine, and Katy’s. we still went to each others parties and knew each others gossip, but things were different between the divide.

A good example-walking up to a table full of them rewarded me with blank and defensive stares. They thought I was here for a fight-and they might have been right. I wasn’t sure my exact reason. I’d been looking for Rex.. But he was with Katy now? What and how much exactly did that change? Did he hurt Charlie or had I been misunderstanding this entire time?

When I finally arrived in front of them, I realized I was drawing a blank as to what I should say. Katy-the dumb slut-gave me a perfect outting by starting the conversation. “Oh hey there Riley” she looked at me, pretending to be bored “If you’re looking for Charlie him and Rex broke up..” she yawns.

I plaster a phony smile on my face “And now he’s with you? I knew you had a mustach Katy but you’re a guy to? Wow, I guess you can’t blame are break up on my sexuality anymore”

She glowers “It’s called peach fuzz and Rex is bi-sexual”

“Sure he is” I wink condescendingly.

I watch as she fights off her temper. “Anyways Rex is done with your little runt so you can have whatevers left” she winks “Rex is pretty good with words so I doubt there’s much, but eat your heart out” I don’t like what she’s suggesting. Not at all.

I kept my face calm somehow “Whatevers left is probably more then you had to start with”

“Good one dude” Rex rolls his eye’s. I clench my teeth to stop myself from hitting him.

“Just a heads up Rex” I warn, steel in my eye’s “If I find out you did anything to Charlie.. You have no idea just how deeply you’re going to regret it” I leave then, but I know the expression on his face is one of poorly masked fear.


Isn't my imagination just the cutest place to live? ^^ I mean-a adorable rain scene and everyhting? could i be more of a teenage fan girl if I tried?! the awnser to that, is no!! <3 After a few comments i'll uplaod, but BE GRATEFUL! In all honesty i'm proving what a poor student I am by doing this... I kinda have my toughest exam tomorrow....  So that's great -.-


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