A handful of Shadows {Eighteen}

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*Ollie’s POV*



I woke to the sound of repetitive beeping and the disturbing smell of hospital. Just a nightmare…. Go back to sleep… my eye’s re-close and I try to push the sound away. It doesn’t leave though. That’s when my body starts to gain feeling around me and pain blisters from my very being.

My eye’s pop open wide. Where was I? What had happened!?!


*Flash back*

The hospital looked so big and busy to me. Daddy said it was a good place-it would give mommy more energy so she could play with me longer. He said it might even make her all the way better, so I was a good boy and didn’t complain when we visited.

“Why don’t you get yourself a snack Ollie-kins?” my dad suggests with a frail smile.

I bite down on my bottom lip. I was kinda sorta hungry-mommy hadn’t been home last night to make me dinner and daddy was a bad cook so I hadn’t finished my meal. I take his offered money and scamper to the vending machine as he starts talking to the doctor.

I pick a bag of potato chips because I know that I’m not allowed to have them when mommy’s around. She says that they’re bad for me, but nothing bad for you could taste so good. I pick my selection and look at the other kids in the waiting room. One girl is bald…

I stumble back to daddy and tug on his pant leg “Daddy that girl is bald…”

He looks up to see the girls mother looking at me sadly. “Shh Ollie, that’s disrespectful” he scolds and I pout. I was just pointing it out! I sit at daddys feet and start untieing his shoe laces, but I’m only half way doen when he picks me up and starts down the hall.

“Daddy? Where are we going?” I ask, calmed by the sway of his footsteps.

“To see mommy” he replies, patting my back.

“Where is she?” I ask, bored. Mommy left sometimes.

“She’s…” he pauses “She’s asleep Ollie hun, so you have to be very quiet not to wake her. She’s very tired and has some wires to help her get her rest. Do you understand?” I giggle, putting my fingers to my lips in a ‘shh’ sign. He ruffles my hair “Exactly”

That’s when he sets me down and pull back a curtain. Behind it is mommy.. Except. Something is wrong. She looks to white… and she has creepy tubes in her wrists and something taped under her nose… and… and… tears run from my eye’s and drip onto the floor.

“Whata re they doing to her?!!?!”

*Flash back over*


I look down at myself to discover terrible wires linked from my body-all over my body-to a machine that beeped relentlessly. As I paniced, the machien began to race. This was wrong! I let out a cry of terror and began plucking the wires from my body.

“Ollie!” I voice barked. I didn’t stop though.. I couldn’t. then strong hands grabbed my wrists and the tears really started flowing. I hated hospitals! I hated doctors and I hated this! I flailed madly, trying to get free, trying to get out of here. “Hey” a voice breathed, pinning my wrists to my sides “Stop that right now! Nurse! I need some help!”

I looked over to see it was Henry restraining me. That’s all I could take, I collapsed sideways into him, and started sobbing wildly into his chest, getting tears all over his shirt. “it’s okay.. You’re okay” he whispered in my ear soothingly “You’re okay Ollie… you’re fine..” he murmured.

A handful of Shadows (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now