Chapter 3

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The song for this chapter is:

She's kinda hot- 5 Seconds of Summer

(Ashanty POV)

It's almost ready, the tea we prepared for him is almost ready, I keep him distracted while they make it, talking about Geny.

"So Cameron, have you decided what kind of cake you want to get her?", I ask him nervoulsy.

"I have actually, I wanted to get her the black Forest: Tradition with a twist, thick chocolate cake paired with a ribbon of strawberry, raspberry or cherry jam; A fruity snap that perfectly compliments the rich, chocolate mousse", he says and suprises me and disgust me at the same time.

"Wow, you got it all figured out haven't you?", I ask with a jealous expression.

"Obviously I want that night to be special", he says with a smile on his face.

Yuck, I can't stand when people are in love. I can tell you that Cameron is truly in love, too bad he won't last with her. I am going to make sure of it, they destroyed what I most wanted, now I am going to destroy what he most wants in life, his precious little stuck up Geny.

I see from the corner of my eye Geny, I would love to see her face after I do this.

(Geny POV)

I see Cameron talking and then I see her hand on his cheek, he grabs it and removes it from his face then she acts fas, she kisses him, all I do is gasp and a tear comes out from my eye, I quickly wipe it away. He doesn't push away, I get this feeling in my stomach and I realize it's jealousy. I don't stand there anymore I put my hair up in a bun as fast as I can and then I run up to them, grab Ashanty's hair and pull her off the chair with all my strength.

I see her fall and then I get on top of her and start slaping her and knocking her head on the floor, she tries to grab my hair but i dont let her, I don't think I just do it, how could she do this? I knew she liked Cameron but going after him like this, this was the final line.

I am really mad I don't hear the chants around me and Cameron's voice. Then I feel hands around my waist and pulling me away from her, I know it's Cameron I try to stop him but I can't he's too strong. Soon enough I am lifted of the ground and off Ashanty. I see her get up, and grab her head, I try to go after her but Cameron once again grabs me and stops me.

"Go!", Cameron yells to Ashanty.

She doesn't say anything, she grabs her purse from the table and then storms away. A man from the bakery, tells everyone to calm down and pretend nothing happened while he gives us a dirty look.

"Sorry", Cameron whispers to him. He points to the door telling us to leave. I try to get off Cameron but he doesn't let me.

"Get off me", I tell him, facing him.

"Not, until you calm down", he says as his grip tightens.

"I am calmed down", I say while trying to push away from him.

"Ok", he says and let's go. He just stands there and looks at me. I can't stand looking at him right now, so I turn around.

"What did you that for?", He says. I don't feel like talking to him so I just storm off. I hear Cameron say sorry to the man in the store and leaving money on the table then he comes out and runs after me.

I walk faster and faster, hoping he won't catch up.

"Geny! Hold up, don't go", he screams behind me. I run to my car and feel the tears coming, but I don't wanna cry over this, I wipe them away and take a deal breath. I get to my car, open the door and then I see Cameron trying to open the door but I look it, he knocks on the window and I pull it down.

"What do you want?", I say angry, not even looking at him.

"We need to talk", he says and looks at me, I look up to him and regret it.

"Why?", I ask.

"I know, I know I did bad in coming here but it was for you, I did this for you!", he yells. I don't do nothing but just stare at him.

"I'm sorry", he says and I just sigh.

"We'll talk tomorrow", I tell him and start the car.

"Okay, drive safely, I love you", he says and drive off. While driving I think of reasons why he would go with the girl who has a crush on him for me? What was he planning on do? Why would he go through all this trouble and lie to me?

I stop thinking because my head was starting to hurt, I get home and my mom is in the couch watching TV, she turns to look at me with an evil face and I know she's gonna get after me.

"Genesis Guzman Garcia Lopez Perez Gonzalez",as soon as I hear my full name I know that I am in trouble.

"Where were you, young lady, I was worried sick, it's already past 11:00, I was gonna go out to look for you", she says with her hands on her hips.

"I'm here aren't I?", I ask annoyed.

"I don't like that tone in your voice mija", she says while tapping her foot.

"I'm sorry mother but I don't feel good, my head hurts really bad", I say and touch my head.

"You want medicine? I have some in the fridge", she says and walks over to me and touches my forehead.

"No, I'm fine I just need to sleep", I say and give her a kiss.

"Okay, goodnight love you", she says.

"Love you too", I say and go upstairs, I take a bath and lay down in bed. I get check my phone and I have a lot of messages from Jessica.

What happened? Did you talk to him? How did it go? - Jessica.xoxo

I didn't talk to him, I'll explain everything tomorrow, goodnight- Geny.x

I turn off my phone just as I get a message from a number I don't recognize. I open the text and I get the chills.

You better watch out you troll, i'm not done with you- A.

I get weird out, I don't have anyone on my contacts named A, and it can't be Ashanty, she was too scared when I fought her to send me threats. My head starts to hurt more, so I turn off my phone and close my eyes.

(Ashanty POV)

Who did she think she is? I hate her, she was too strong for me, that skunk, she won't get away with this. I won't let her win, she will loose and i'm gonna be the one to ruin her for once and for all.

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