Chapter 4

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That's right, I added some Springles to the Jarco and Yumikuri sundae. Your welcome Miyuki1Otaku

"So... Why are you here?"

Sasha and Connie had basically taken over my bed, eating snacks and flirting. I reminded myself to wash everything thoroughly, didn't want to catch their virus. There's no telling what would happen.

"We're planning." Connie stated.

"What have you got so far?" Krista asked.

"Nothing much yet." Said Sasha.

"Well, how did you two end up together?"

No. God no. Why would she ask that? Now we'd have to sit through a long, boring as fuck story about something neither of us cared about.

"Well," Sasha said, squeezing Connie's hand.

"It was because of you two." Connie finished.


We caused this!? How could we have created something so terrifyingly disturbing?

"During dinner, like a week ago. When Krista shouted 'I bet they like each other' I figured if you two knew, I should tell Connie how I felt." Sasha said, flashing a smile at the bald adolescent.

"That's why we agreed to help you." Connie said, smiling back.

"Wait but, we weren't talking abo-" I started before Krista kicked me.

"Let them have this." She hissed.

There were several moments of silence until Connie sat up, crossing his arms and looking smug like some kind of idiot.

"I've come up with the most brilliant plan ever, in a month Jean and Marco will be a couple for sure."

Sasha looked up at Connie, her eyes shining. "If you were food, I would eat you."

"You would eat all of us. The being food part is irrelevant." I said. They didn't care though, they were too busy eating each others faces again.

Krista wasn't paying attention though.

"A month!? They need to be together by monday."

"But the plan will take at least a month." Connie said.

"No!" Krista exclaimed, "we don't have that long!"

"Krista, it's fine," I began, "it'll just be a bit longer."

"It's not fine! It needs to be monday!"

Krista turned and stormed out the door, leaving some incredibly awkward silence behind.

"... I'll go find her." I said.

I walked to the door and turned around, pointing my index finger straight at the two demons.

"I swear to god if you do it on my bed I will snap your necks like toothpicks."

Shipping them ( a Jean x Marco, Krista x Ymir fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now