Chapter 5

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You can look forward to lots of YumiKuri this chapter. And a star appearance from Arnold.

I looked left and right after leaving the dorm. I couldn't see Krista in either direction. I sighed, I started walking left, passing Arnold as he ate a titan size sandwich on a bench.

Where do you even get that sort of thing in a training camp?

However he did, I never found out, because I continued walking and searching for the tiny blonde girl.
I tried walking the loop around the camp, hoping Krista went this way, if not I could look forward to a lot of unwanted exercise. What was even the problem with the plan taking an extra month? That girl made no sense to me.
I reached a corner where Arnold was carrying around several docile cats.

Are there even animals besides horses here?

I never found out that either. Krista trumped whatever's going on with Arnold. I reached a dead end which Arnold was spray painting.

"HOW THE HELL DO YOU DO THAT!!?" I screamed very much not in my head.
Arnold gave me a look, than went back to spray painting purple sheep on the only thing that protects us from being swallowed by humanoid giants.

"Weirdo." He muttered.

I turned around and walked the other way, this time the trip went without interruptions from Arnold or anyone else. I finally spotted Krista sitting on the bench where Connie and Sasha had been sitting when I'd asked them to help us.
Krista looked up at me when I approached her.

"How'd you know I was here?" She asked me.

"Where else would you be?" I said, sitting down beside her. I decided to leave out the part where I'd spent 3/4 of an hour looking for her.

"I'm sorry I freaked out back there." She said, her head now lowered, she appeared to be staring at her knees.

"Don't apologize," I said, "I'm always telling you to do things for yourself."

Krista moved her gaze from her knees to me.

"Although," I continued, "I'm a bit curious about why it needs to be by Monday."
Krista looked at her knees again.

"Monday's the last time we'll be able to do this sort of thing." Krista said, " Tuesday we'll be graduating and then picking our legions, and you'll be picking the military police and there'll be a wall between us. We both know I'm not good enough to be in the top 10, and you are." Krista's voice started breaking, "I just wanted to have one last great memory before we never see each other again."

There was silence for a good 20 seconds.

"Krista," I began, "If you don't make the top ten I probably won't either. Same goes
for military police. The only reason I joined was because of you, Im not going to ditch you for some extra security. And no wall can separate us. We're best friends." I said the last part with a smile and poked the now crying Krista on the shoulder.

She looked up at me again with tear filled eyes and nodded.
She was gorgeous even while wiping away snot from her nose.
After staring at each other in silence for a couple seconds too long. I glanced away so Krista wouldn't see my blood rushing to my face.

"We should head back, I don't trust the other two in our bedroom for this long."

"Y-yeah." Krista said also looking away.

I stood up, my face still uncomfortably hot. I moved forward distractedly, trying to pat away the blush from my face. It seemed to be working, my face was now just a lukewarm temperature.

"Ymir!" I heard Kristas feet slapping the ground as she jogged after me. I turned around just in time for the smaller girl to rise to her tiptoes and press her lips against mine for 3 endless seconds. My eyes widened.

Then, the 3 endless seconds ended and Krista ran off ahead of me as I stood there, my face turning hot, despite my previous measures to make it a normal temperature.
I placed the back of my hand on my lips, still feeling Kristas lips.

Shipping them ( a Jean x Marco, Krista x Ymir fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now