Fred and Hermione's Love Story (The Sequel)

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Okay here's the introduction to the story! Make sure you read my first story 'Fred and Hermione's Love Story' before you read this one which is the Sequel! I hope you like it! Please comment, vote and fan/follow! I always fan/follow back! If anyone has any ideas about what they want me to include in the next chapters of the story then please inbox me with your ideas! Please enjoy! xoxoxox :D P.S. If you like this story then please give my other story 'Hermione Granger's New Life (Harry Potter/twilight crossover fanfiction)' a read and tell me what you think xxx :D Also I'm really sorry for how long it took for me to post this I've been very busy! :)


*Fred's POV*

Hermione and I had been away in Australia for the past six weeks on our honeymoon and during those six weeks I've never been so happy. Hermione and I were married and we were so happy together even though we'd only been married for six weeks. But unfortunately our honeymoon was now over and we were packing our bags to floo back to England to George and I's flat above our Joke shop. George, Luna, Hermione and I were all going to be living together above the Joke shop until Luna and George get there own flat because Luna wants to live closer to her father's house and then Hermione and I will have the flat for ourselves. Hermione and I both wanted to have a longer honeymoon but George and Luna's Wedding was tomorrow and then the next day was Luke and Chloe's wedding and there was no way in hell that Hermione and I were going to miss out on our own twins' weddings.

"Have you finished packing, Fred?" Asked Hermione as she walked into the room and began to put the last few things in a different bag.

"Yep, I'm all packed up." I said as I walked up to her and hugged her from behind which caused her to turn around in my arms so she was facing me. "Your looking beautiful today as always." I said.

"Fred, you've said that everyday for the six weeks we've been here." She replied.

"Can't a bloke complement his wife on a regular basis?" I asked smirking at her. Ah I loved called her my wife!

"Of course you can." She said as she reached up and kissed my cheek.

"Well then you better start getting used to it because I'll be doing it a lot more." I replied before I reached down and kissed her sweetly on the lips.

"I guess we should be flooing back." She said which caused me to frown and bury my face in the crook of her neck.

"Can't we just stay here?" I mumbled as I kissed her neck.

"As much as I'd love too, George and Luna are expecting us back in the next five minutes." She replied as she stroked my cheek.

"Yeah I guess. If it wasn't George or Luke getting married then I wouldn't even bother going back for at least another month." I said grinning at her which caused her to smile. I walked over to our bags and picked up all of them whilst 'Mione insisted that she'd carry at least one.

We stepped into the fireplace and due me holding the suitcases 'Mione picked up the floo powder and threw it to the floor whilst shouting "93 Diagon Alley!" We were engulfed in the familiar bright green flames and were transported to George and I's flat.

'Mione and I stepped out of the fireplace and into the living room where I dropped our bags on the floor before I collapsed on the sofa dramatically. I grinned at her from my place on the sofa before patting the space next to me and motioning for 'Mione to sit down next to me. She smiled and sat down next to me tucking her legs under herself before she snuggled up to me. I grinned and wrapped my arms around her and kissed her on the top of her head. "I love you." I said.

"I love you too, Fred." She said smiling up at me before she reached up and kissed me. I smiled into the kiss and deepened it. She reached up and ran her hands through my hair and began to tug at it as I pulled her on to my lap so she was straddling my waist. I ran my hands down her back when suddenly the living room door swung open revealing a grinning George standing in the doorway.

"Welcome home, lovebirds! Although next time could you two get a room before you start doing... that." Said George as he gestured to the position that Hermione and I were in.

"If you didn't notice we had a room until you barged in without knocking!" I said glaring at him for interrupting the moment.

"Well, next time don't pick the living room." Replied George."But on another note, how was the honeymoon?" He said wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.

"It was great. How've you and Luna been?" Asked Hermione.

"We're great! She's staying at the Burrow today and tonight for the wedding tomorrow.." Replied George.

"So are you having gthe wedding at the Burrow? Asked Hermione.

"Yeah. Luna wanted it there." Said George.

"Well, I'm looking forward to it." Said Hermione. "I'll be going to the Burrow first thing in the morning to help get Luna ready considering I'm her maid of honour."

"Well, I'm going to be helping my dear twin get ready for his big-day tomorrow. So I'll have to meet you there." I said to Hermione.

"Well, anyway it's getting late so I'm off to bed. You two should be doing the same. It's a big-day tomorrow." Said George as he walked off to his room grinning. I was really happy for him.

"Goodnight George." Said Hermione before she turned back to me. "Come on let's get some sleep, I'm tired."

"Okay." I said as she climed off of my lap and pulled me up. I waved my wand and made our bags go to our room and unpack themselves.

We went to our room and I pulled on a pair of black pajama bottoms whilst Hermione just wore a pair of pajama shorts and a vest top. I climbed into the double bed as Hermiuone did the same. She cuddled up to me and I wrapped my arms around her and snuggled closer to her before I closed my eyes and whispered, "Night, 'Mione."

"Night, Freddie." She said as she closed her eyes and within minutes I fell asleep after hearing her breathing even out meaning that she was asleep.

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