~ Chapter 5 ~

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I'm so sorry that I haven't updated in such a long time! D: Please comment, vote and follow! Thank you!!


*Fred's POV*

We sat for hours on the sofa watching movie after movie, only ever getting up for the bathroom or to get more snacks. It was nice just sitting watching movies for once, I had to admit that I really loved muggles for inventing the TV.

I glanced over at my beautiful wife... Merlin it felt amazing to call her that... Hermione was cuddling Leo whilst Liam was asleep against me. I had to admit that they were growing on me, they reminded me of a less mischievous version of myself and George when we were younger. I looked at the clock and saw that it was nearly eight o'clock in the evening.

"Lets take them to bed." Hermione whispered.

"Okay." I whispered in reply as I carefully picked up Liam who was still sleeping whilst Hermione picked up Leo.

I followed her into the spare bedroom and watched her place her little brother on to the bed before tucking him in. She is going to make a wonderful mother, I thought. I quickly shook that thought from my head as I placed Liam in the bed beside his twin brother.

"Goodnight my little wolves." Hermione whispered as she kissed them both on their foreheads. I chuckled silently as I saw them both smile in their sleep.

Hermione grinned at me and pulled me out of the room, closing the door behind her.

"You wanna go to bed or finish watching the movie?" She asked me.

"Well as lovely as going to bed sounds, I really have to see the end of this movie." I said childishly but just grinned when she smiled.

"Come on then." She replied as she hurried back into the living room and jumped on to the sofa.

"What do you want to do tomorrow?" I asked her as I sat down beside her and pulled her against me.

"My dad said he'd pick the twins up at 3, so we could go out somewhere if you want?" She suggested.

"Anywhere in particular?" I asked with a grin. "There's that new Italian place opening in Diagon Alley if you want to go there?"

"Sounds great." She yawned as she rested her head on my shoulder with a smile as I wrapped my arms around her tightly.

We sat there for the remainder of the movie and once it finished I turned it off and looked down at the sleeping Angel in my arms and grinned. I really am the luckiest man alive.

As carefully as I could I picked my wife up and carried her through the flat and into our room where I tucked her into bed before I climbed in beside her, wrapping her up in my arms protectively.

"I love you Fred." She mumbled.

"I love you too." I smiled.


*Hermione's POV*

I woke up the next morning feeling queasy. It was only 2 o'clock in the morning and I was covered in sweat. I groaned and sat up slowly. I must be coming down with something, I thought.

I felt Fred sit up beside me and look at me worriedly. "Are you alright?" He asked as he felt my forehead for my temperature.

"Yeah, I think I might be coming down with something." I said.

"Do you need anything?" He asked, his large hand encircling my waist.

"No I'm fine." I said.

"Come here." He said as he pulled me against him in a hug.

I closed my eyes with a smile and fell asleep.


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