~ Chapter 8 ~

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*Hermione's POV*

Once I was allowed to leave the hospital, Fred refused to let me walk so I was forced to let him carry me. If this was how protective he is when I'm only four weeks pregnant I'm dreading how he is going to be the further along I get. But I have to admit it is quite amusing.

"Fred, please put me down. I can walk you know." I said once we had flooed to the Burrow. Fred looked at me skeptically before carefully placed me on the ground.

"Thank you. Now do you want to tell your mum the news or should I?" I asked.

"Tell me what?" Fred and I nervously turned to see Molly Weasley stood in the doorway looking at the two of us curiously.

Fred opened his mouth to speak but shut it again. I found it cute how he wasn't able to form a sentence.

"Fredrick Gideon Weasley! You tell me what is going on right now!" She said crossing her arms angrily.

"Hermione's pregnant." Fred said quickly.

Mrs Weasley immediately uncrossed her arms and held her hands over her heart as she began to cry. "I'm going to have more grandchildren?!" She yelled excitedly. She loved Bill and Fleur's daughter, Victoire, but I've never seen her so happy before.

She ran forward and embraced me in one of her bone crushing hugs but I noticed that she wasn't hugging me too tight which was a relief.

"Oh Fred, Hermione. I'm so, so happy for the both of you! Oh! We can have a party to celebrate! I can cook a love my family meal, everyone will be invited, oh how far along are you? Does anyone else know yet? Does -" Mrs Weasley continued to ramble until Fred cut her off by hugging her, of which she hugged him back just as tight.

"Calm down mum. A party would be lovely but nothing too big, just a meal will be fine. Hermione is four weeks pregnant and so far the only other person who knows is Mr Granger who is going to be telling the rest of Hermione's family and her pack the news." Fred explained.

"So George doesn't know yet?" Asked Mrs Weasley.

"No not yet. I'm planning to tell him when he gets back from his honeymoon. Just like Hermione is planning to tell Luke when he gets back from his honeymoon." Fred said.

"Oh good. I'll invite the rest of your brothers and the others round now so you can tell them all. I'm so happy for you, I really am." She said hugging me again before she hurried off.

"Well that went better than I expected." I said.

"Yes it did. Come on let's sit in the living room for a bit." Fred replied as he held my hand pulling me into the living room behind him.

Fred and I remained at the Burrow for the next few hours as Mrs Weasley kept harassing Fred and I with questions like which room in the flat was going to be the baby's room, and also debating whether the baby would be a wolfblood or a wizard or both.

I looked up at the door when someone entered. Fred jumped up and began greeting Mr Weasley, Bill, Fleur, Charlie and Percy whilst I ran straight to Harry, Ron and Ginny and I pulled them into a hug.

"Hey what's with the group hug?" Ginny asked.

"I'm just really happy." I said sneaking a glance at Fred who was hugging Charlie.

"So mum, why did you call us all over here?" Bill asked as everyone sat down in the living room.

"Hermione and I have some news." Fred said coming to stand beside me as he wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

"What is it?" Harry asked.

"I'm pregnant." I said.

"YES!!" Ginny screamed jumping up from Harry's lap hugging me tightly. "I'M GOING TO BE AN AUNTIE!!!"

I laughed as Ginny began jumping up and down.

Everyone else immediately began congratulating Fred and I. I was pulled into a hug by Mr Weasley who kissed my forehead. "Congratulations Hermione. I'm happy for you both." Mr Weasley grinned.

"Thank you, Mr Weasley." I said.

"I told you to call me Arthur." He smiled hugging me again before he hugged Fred.

Percy came over to me and hugged me quickly muttering a quick congratulations. Fleur hugged me after Bill, before rambling about how she would help me out at any point with baby things. After thanking Fleur I hugged Charlie who picked me up and twirled me around laughing loudly.

"Oi! Be careful Charlie." Fred warned with a glare.

"It seems the father-to-be is a little overprotective." Charlie whispered with a grin causing me to smile. "I'm really happy for you Hermione." Charlie said again as he hugged me again. I've always been close to Charlie and I knew I could rely on him throughout the pregnancy, not that I will need to because I have my overprotective husband.

"So you're pregnant? Aye?" Harry said as he and Ron walked up to me with matching grins.

"I guess I am." I grinned back as I pulled them into a group hug. Merlin, I've missed it just being the three of us, the Golden Trio.

"We'll be here for you the whole time, 'Mione. You've looked after us throughout the whole of school, now it's our time to look after you." Harry said kissing my cheek.

"You guys are the best." I said.

"Oh we know." Ron said with a grin.

Oh how I loved these two.

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