5. A Peaceful Morning Start

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Billie woke up early the next morning. He was happy to see Gerard peacefully sleeping. He got out of bed, careful to not wake Gerard. Billie went downstairs and made coffee. When he got back upstairs, Gerard was up.

"How'd you sleep?" Billie asked. Gerard looked a bit panicked, he was rubbing a handprint on his wrist.

"How did I get here?" Gerard asked. He looked through Billie, their eyes never connecting.

"I brought you here. Do you remember what you did last night?" Billie said. Gerard looked confused, he shook his head. "You were really drunk. I think you may have blacked out." Billie said. Gerard shifted and winced as his ankle strained. "You were trying to kill yourself, by jumping off a bridge over a train. I got you, but you hurt your ankle."

"it hurts." Gerard said in an empty voice.

"Your ankle?" Billie asked.

"Everything hurts." Gerard stated vaguely.

"You said your dad beat you up." Billie said. Gerard's eyes darkened and for the first time, his eyes locked with Billie's.

"I did?" Gerard asked, he was trying to sound as if he didn't know.

"Gerard, don't try to lie." Billie said. Gerard flinched. "I could tell you were being honest, you don't have to hide it." Billie said in a calming voice. Gerard looked away. "Do you need medical attention?" Billie asked.

"I don't know." Gerard said. he had a vibrant purple bruise near the bridge of his nose and down.

"My mom is a nurse, when she was in medial school she taught me how to do things." Billie said. Gerard sighed. "Want me to? You'll feel better."

"I want Xanax." Gerard mumbled, then he nodded.

"Lets get you to the bathroom." Billie said. He helped Gerard up and they limped to the bathroom. Billie had him sit on the side of the tub, his injured ankle on a bundle of towels stacked on the toilet lid. Billie rummaged through the linen closet of the bathroom until he found his mother's super duty medical kit.

"No needles." Gerard said.

"Why?" Billie asked, he had a feeling he'd have to give some stitches on Gerard's back.

"I don't like needles." Gerard said. "Unless I'm holding them." He added. Billie then figured that Gerard shot up drugs. Billie made Gerard take off his shirt. The worst of the whip marks was a giant open gash, all the way across his back, diagonal, and very bad. There was an ectoplasmic layer over it, causing the blood to not pour out.

"You're going to need some." Billie said. Gerard shook his head. "I think I'm gunna need assistance. Because this is gunna hurt."

"That mowhawk guy?" Gerard asked, he looked up through his hair. Billie smirked and nodded.

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