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Maybe it's been too long since I've stepped into my bar. Maybe it's been too long since I've really looked around, because I don't remember the bar ever making me miss Mike so much. I can see the guys, all sitting at a table, laughing and drinking happily. It makes me miss Mike even more. Mike loved to drink, especially if I mixed it for him. But then again, maybe it wasn't that, maybe Mike just liked it when I was being a selfish prick.

"I have never met someone so set on pissing off another human in my life!" Honey snorted his drink, and coughed it up, Alex patted on his back with a grin.

"Funny for ya to say that Iero." Alex said, "Cuz, we're looking at a gal who's soul purpose in life is to make the captain's like a living hell!"

I flashed my card at the man behind the counter and he grinned at me, taking off his apron and handing it to me. We switched places, and he gave me a high-five.

"Good to see ya boss." He grinned. I took a quick glance at his name tag and smiled.

"Doll, I'm telling you that Alex's got a thing for this guy, who would've though him for a gay?"

"I don't know, maybe Jack?" I mused, Quinn shot me a look but I rolled my eyes. Gay, straight, purple, dinosaur, who gives a shit?

"You to Jack. The extra hours been suiting you well?" I took out a rag and whipped down the counter, cleaning the shot glasses as Jack talked. I paid minimal attention, only making small noises of comfort or understanding when they were warranted.

"What about you Seirg? Physical therapy been treating you well?" Jack asked, leaning against the counter.

"I don't know half of these people why the hell do they call me seirg?"

"It's respect." Helena explained, she was the head waitress here, she lifted up a drunk man's head and wiped the space underneath it before setting him back down. "what would you have them call you, 'boss?"

"Haven't gone in ages," I said sheepishly, "I got pissed at the therapist and left." Jack let out a low whistle and laughed. I missed this, even if it was only a little bit.

"Bet Quinnbie wasn't happy about that." Jack laughed. I rolled my eyes, and served the man next to him, refilling his beer and topping off the woman he sat with. "You talked to your Uncle lately? He's been poking around the place, lookin' for ya." I rolled my eyes, getting a new bud-light for the drunken broad sitting to the left of Jack.

"No, if he comes buy again tell the bouncer to kick him out." I said jack laughed and reached under the bar to grab a beer. I swatted his hand with my towel but he laughed it off. "Go on and find out what the crew wants for me will ya? I don't feel like going over."

"Eye aye Cap!" Jack said, sauntering over to the group. I felt a familiar pain in my chest but pushed it down. I didn't need to think of Mike right now. A man with short black hair came up the bar, scanning the area around it before sighing. He couldn't be much taller than myself, maybe by a few inches at the most. He looked utterly dazed and confused, like he was lost, or maybe a little bit drunk already.

"Is this the Iero's bar in town?" he asked, rubbing his temples. I looked him up and down and decided he was a tourist. "I've been looking for my cousin for ages, and can't seem to find her. We were supposed to meet hear about an hour ago."

"Only one in town," I said giving him a grin, "But you're more than welcome to have a seat and I'll get you a drink."

"Only non-alcoholic stuff." He said, taking a weary seat and propping his head up with his hand, elbow resting on the bar. I studied him out of the corner of my eye, he was tired looking, with large bags underneath his eyes. Heavily tattooed, so he had some form of a lenient job. But large callused hands, hinting that he worked with his hands and muscles a lot. High pain tolerance, tattoos on his neck, and a few on his hands as well.

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