What is this place? - Chapter one

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I couldn't open my eyes , I had no idea what happened. The last thing I remember was me saying goodbye to Elena , wait..that wasn't it , I was at the Salvatores house and we were talking and suddenly something happened to me and...Oh NO. Am I dead?! Why is it so hard to open my eyes? I am putting a lot of effort but I'm exhausted , I feel so weak. I tried one more time and suddenly I see light , I kept going with all my strength and I opened my eyes , scanned around and I was laying on the grass in the middle of nowhere. I could see only woods surrounding me , I can only hear the sound of the wind , I was cold and nobody was here , I felt so alone and I haven't felt this feeling since the prison world. My mind kept thinking if this was another prison world but I couldn't think that , I couldn't let myself believe that or I would lose my mind , I couldn't get back to that. I wanted to stand up and walk around to see if there was someone in here but I was scared I wouldn't find anyone and I would have to face loneliness again , I wished for anyone to be here right now and I thought my wish came true when I heard the sound of some footsteps coming towards me from the behind , I turned my head around a bit to see who it was and I see the one person I would hate the most to see , the one who made me take my words back "I wish for anyone to be here" anyone BUT him , that was the heartless bastard Kai Parker. In that moment I wasn't scared anymore , I wasn't feeling weak , suddenly I felt stronger and angrier than ever , I wanted to kill him and that made me use the entire energy in my body to stand up and as soon as I did I was ready to fight but before I did anything he said
"You're up , finally! It was getting boring waiting for Sleeping Beauty to wake up."
He walked towards me and violently grabbed my arm by pulling me towards him and with a threatening voice said "What have you and your precious friend done to me?!"
"Get your hands off me" I demanded with anger
"TALK!! Where am I??!!" He screamed while not letting go of my arm and it kept hurting every second more and more.
"I said. Get your hands. OFF ME!" I continued threatening him ,looking him right in the eyes to let him know I do not fear him , he then let go of me giving me an "easy girl" smile , he took a step backward.
"Good." I said looking at him with the most amount hate I could possibly feel "Now I can kill you!"
I lifted my right hand pointing towards his neck and started saying a spell and he started laughing in my face. I would go on with my spell but I wanted to know what was so funny
"What is it?"
" That's embarrassing. Don't u think I would have killed you by now? The only reason you're not dead it's because ..wait spoiler alert!!.. You can't do magic here! But it was fun seeing your face trying to kill me. Very naive. It was cute. Do it again" he said sarcastically.
What he said disgusted me but I couldn't focuss on that knowing I can't get back to Mystic Falls without magic and probably I will be stuck in here with this monster....forever.

To be continued.

(Sorry for my English , I am not the best at it lol)

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