Chapter three

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I took a deap breath , looked down breaking my eye contact with him and said mumbling "I .. I can't remember"
He was looking at me weirdly , maybe he thought I wasn't telling the truth , he didn't say a thing for a couple of seconds then broke this awkward silence by asking
"'re dead then?"
" I just said that I DON'T know. Weren't you paying attention?!!" I said raising the tone of my voice.
" Can u stop yelling? Nobody is gonna hear you. And you're not even close on scaring me , what's the best you could do to me here? Force me to eat grass?" He said losing his 'patience' If he had one of course but I can guarantee he doesn't
" I can make you choke on it at least "
I said while winking at him ironically provoking him. Winking was his thing but well I'm going to play with his cards too which I'm sure it will make him mad.
" You've spent only a few minutes with me and you're already copying me?" He said giving me a thin smile provoking back.
" I can't resist your 'charm' "
I said sneering showing my sassiness.
" You'll get better at it. I'll teach you I mean...we have pleeenty of time" he kept provoking me. He knew this would make me mad so to not give him the satisfaction of seeing me agry I tried to keep it calm "Teaching me to be smug like you? No thank you , you don't get to enjoy my presence. We're going separate ways" I said

"And what are you planning to do Christopher Colombo?
There are only woods in here , what do u expect you'll find?"

"Whatever I find , It will be better than you."

"I think it's not the time for an exploring mood. Leave that when you'll go on vacations or somewhere else. *coughs* if u ever get to do that again" he laughed that in my face wity no shame at all and then continues saying :
"Here u will find only woods , mountains , probably wild animals and if you're lucky a bit of water"

"Who said I am planning to stay here?"

"Who said you can get out?"

"I honestly don't care what you think I can or can't do"

Before I realised we were having a speed long conversation with him. Ughh I wished I could do something to make him shut up. So before I left him say anything else I started walking away from him. I thought he was going to say something but I walked for quite a while and he wasn't following me. Weird.
I was looking around and I could see nothing. Being alone in this place is worse than being in prison world. It's scary , I don't know what's out there. I don't know where I am or how I'm going to get back. I could starve in here. I started to question the choice I made by deciding to walk away. Was that clever or completely stupid?

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