Chapter four

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Before you continue reading this , I would suggest you to read the last chapter again because I didn't update for a long time and maybe you forgot what happened.

I walked alone for 15 minutes or more and I couldn't turn my head to see if he was following me or not. I was surprised he let me go without putting up a fight about it .Maybe when I said we were going separate ways deep down I was sure he wouldn't agree with that and that gave me confidence to walk away. Now I don't think this was a smart idea. "Great job Bonnie Bennett" I said very quietly , I barely could hear myself but just in case I didn't want him to hear me , if he was behind me , which I doubt so much because if he was he would've done something already or talk to me.

"Ok did u have enough time to reflect on how stupid you were when u chose to go separate ways ,
what do you think you're doing?!"

I heard him yelling from behind probably 6-7 meters away. What surprised me and scared me the most is that for the first time I was glad to hear his voice.
"Why are you following me? Wasn't I clear enough?"
I said trying to play it cool and to hide the fact that I was glad he came after me. In this place , I would consider EVEN him to help me find a way out.
"Yes you rambled something about that but even You know that you were wishing for me to come after you. You have a phobia of being alone since prison world" he said with much confidence looking me in the eye while he came towards me so I wouldn't lie about it. But well of course I chose tolie. I am not going to say "oh I needed you thanks" no way. And plus that "wishing for me to come after you" irritated me so much , I was about to start yelling in my defence because of that but I couldn't do that. Knowing Kai and his very little , actually non-existent patience he has , he would leave me for good this time. So I tried to reply with confidence too while making sure he "knew" I would be good without him , I wanted him to think that so I said
"Look. I've managed to get through every situation , the hardest ones , This is not the first time I'm left alone. I always find a way out. And with or without you I WILL get out."
I didn't make it to harsh so he wouldn't get that mad and that came out pretty confident & non-caring exactly what I wanted it to sound like.
"I am taking that as an invitation" he said smiling and winking at me. Again.
"How can I possibly trust you that you won't hurt me as soon as we find a way out? You'd do anything to get back to me!"

" Um Bon , Do I need to remind you that we have pretty much the same situation here? Last time I checked you were pretty good at stabbing." He said ironically.

"You killed your family and linked me to Elena!!!"

"Are we getting back to this convo again? It's SO BORING. I am getting tired." he said by forcing a fake yawn.

" ok get back to the trust part?"
I said trying to make sure if I can use him to help me.

" I promise I won't do anything to you." He said very seriously and it looked pretty convincing. But you can never trust him. Never be fooled always keep a distance and a plan B , u never know when he decides that you're no help for him anymore and decides to finish you off. I know that. I know the risk I am taking by "trusting" him and "teaming up" with him to get out.

"You're not Elijah!" I said

"Who's Elijah?" He asked looking at me weirdly.

"Someone who keeps his promises." - i replied.

"What you need to know is that I have no interest on killing you. I don't care about you. I will go after Damon when I get back."
He said very spontaneously even though he knew Damon was my friend.
"You know I won't let you go after him!" I said defending Damon.

"He probably killed you to be back with his precious girlfriend , that's why we're both in this place!"
He said and before I opened my mouth to defend him again , he continued "And I know you have thought about this too"
He was right. I did think about this , but I was fighting myself and I don't want to accept it. I didn't know what to respond to that so I just rolled my eyes in annoyance.

Ok so this was the end for this chapter so sorry It took me so long to update but I am very busy with school and I didn't have time to update it. Thanks for reading

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