Long Hugs

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Michael would always love to hug, cuddle, or just have you close as often as possible. He's generally a very cuddly person so when ever you hugged he would pull you super close with literally no space between the two of you. Your arms would wrap around his mid section while his wrapped around your back pulling you as close as he could get you. Your cheek would rest against his chest and his head would be placed in the curve of your neck. You would be able to feel him placing little kisses on the side of your neck lovingly. Your nose would instantly be filled with his scent and you'd sigh in content felling safe in his arms.


Your arms would wrap around his neck pulling him down to you and his arms coming to hug around your stomach. After a few seconds his hands would go to hold under your thighs as a signal to jump. As you jump you wrap your legs around his waist and his hands are supporting right under your butt. With your arms still around his neck you lean back to look into his eyes. As soon as you make eye contact you both have huge grins on your face. He leans in quickly to peck your nose and then your lips. You rest your head on his shoulder and his is resting in the curve of your neck. Both of you completely content with each other.


Like michael, calum was always up for cuddling and hugs. He pulls you close so that your chests press together perfectly. He lets his arms wrap around your waist and your arms latch around his neck. Your head is in the curve of his neck leaning slightly against his own. He has his head placed right near your ear so he can silently whisper "I love you's" to you. One hand is also rubbing up and down soothingly against your back causing you to close your eyes and get completely lost with him.


Ashton arms reach around to your back to pull you into him while yours wrap around above his waist. As you lean into him he places a kiss to the top of your head in a loving gesture. You bury your face into his chest and his head rests on top of yours. He says your name getting your attention and instantly his lips are on yours in a sweet kiss. When you pull away, a blush creeps onto your cheeks and ashton lets out a giggle finding it the most adorable thing that you still blush when he kisses you. He pecks your lips once more before pulling you back into him mumbling something about how cute you are.

creds to replayclifford on tumblr

A/N i love all of these oml they're all cute af

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