He Takes Your Phone

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Every time you leave your phone defenseless around him, he'll sneak on and change all the names of your contacts, making it almost impossible to know who you're texting.
Not to mention the awkward conversations that follow, especially the time you asked someone who had been named 'Much Asshole Very Forgotten' who they were, and it turned out to be your ex. Yeah, that was a lovely conversation, but over all the names he thinks up mostly make you laugh.


If Calum gets ahold of your phone, he goes straight for the chokehold, also known as all of your social media. The fans have caught on to what he does, and pretty soon the trend, '#CalumInvadedY/NsPhoneAgain' is all over the place. Even though he loves to embarrass you, you can never stay mad at him for long, especially with the adorable puppy face he does.


Whenever your boyfriend Luke has access to your phone, he immediately starts taking pictures of everything. And you really mean EVERYTHING, from awkward selfies, to blurred movements, to animals, or furniture, clothing, the TV, anything he sees he will take photos of up until your phone doesn't have enough room to take any more.
It's annoying to have to go through all of the photos, but at least you get some awkward angled selfies to save for future blackmail, ahh the beauty of relationships.


Michael getting ahold of your phone is a grade-A disaster. He just loves to send weird, funny, creepy, and rude texts to everyone he can before you return for your phone.
You'll never forget the horrors of having to explain to your father what 'I want da D' means, as in coming up with a random saying that is believable. You learned pretty fast not to trust Mikey with watching your phone.

creds to jay-and-all-things-5sos on tumblr

A/N short one just so i can give myself some time to write today + i got a new ipad last night so i can write more :-)

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