Surprise! (L.H)

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a/n i wanna cry bc of that gif up HE'S BITING HIS LIP OMFG I CANT EVEN argh lol goals: marry luke hemmings and the 5sos band or start a band with LUKEYS_LEGS and my other friend who doesnt have wattpad, Mary :=)

You sigh in relief. Finally, your shift is done. But after saying bye to your friend, who had just started her shift, and exiting the shop, you saw your other friend running up to you. She looked or was having an adrenaline rush or something.

"What the hell?" You giggle at the sight of your friend's state. "Something wrong?"

She nods briefly, "Yeah. Something's waiting for you at your house! But someone told me to give this to you."

She hands you a _____, aka your favorite flower. Gasping, you ask, "Who told you to give this to me? Was it Luke?"

Scratching the back of her neck, she shook her head simply. You grimaced, because you knew that Luke was your boyfriend. Who else would give you this pretty flower? ((my dad lol wat))

But your friend wasn't done. "Come," she says, suddenly grasping onto your wrist and yanking you.

"Where are we going?!" You exclaimed, surprised by how hard she pulled you.

She was quiet. For like twenty minutes, you followed her until you both reached your house. She finally lets you go, panting like a tired dog.

"Do I go in or...?" You trail off, pointing at your house while looking at your best friend.

She mutters loudly enough, "Why the hell did I bring you to your house? Do I want you to climb to the top and strip? Of course you go in!"

"Sheesh, okay then." You say, retracting your hand and making your way to the front porch and towards the door. But after walking up the three wooden steps, you saw a note on the floor. It says:

Hey, i dont know whether you're gonna recognize the handwriting or not, but just walk in and find more of these clues. theres a surprise waiting for you inside xx

You did not recognize the handwriting. Curious, you turn the door knob, swing the door open and walk in. To your surprise, you see some of your favorite chocolates on the table. As you open the chocolate box, you found a blue-colored note this time.

found the chocolate? good! take a bite, dont finish all tho. come and find meeee xx

You decided to save the chocolate for later, to share with Luke. You look around, searching for another gift or clue. Then, you saw a book lying on the floor. You immediately realized what is was and just rolled your eyes. It was a John Green novel that you already have. You pick it up, opening it and saw a red-colored note falling down slowly. You quickly catch it and read it.

hey y/n. found the book? i know u have it, this is actually from your bookcase, hehe. come up and meet the final surprise xx

You instantly made your way up the stairs and saw a huge banner hanging in front of your door, which said ENTER.

Seeing a pink pair of scissors on the small table beside the door, you pick it up and cut the middle of the banner, then opened the door.

As you swing the door open, confetti suddenly blasted out of nowhere in a million directions, and you saw someone kneeling in front of you.

You gasp, covering your mouthpiece as the confetti all fell down, revealing the Luke Robert Hemmings.

Happy tears brimmed in your eyes as you chuckle softly at Luke kneeling down, holding out a diamond ring in a black case.

"Y/N, I've been with you for so long. For these past seven years ((im just making up crap if u wanna change the seven idc)) I've experienced life. With you. And I wanna spend that life with you. For eternity. So, Y/F/N ((your/full/name)), will you marry me?"

You nod, and he jumps up, hugging you tightly.

So, after some hard planning, ordering, preparing, you were going to be Ms. Hemmings.


lol guys hiii

sorry for the late update

im so busy with my new michael clifford fanfic

i've way too stories :\

is it okay for you?


-its 5sos not 5 es oh es

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