Eridan x Gamzee

142 8 6

[So im back bitches.. enjoying the updates? Good. Follow meh WWYEH!!!]
terminallyCapricious [TC] joined chat. ~~ 1 ~~
all out of love! caligulasAquarium [CA] joined chat. ~~ 2 ~~
CA: gam
TC: ErIdAn?
CA: oh cod
CA: im so lost wwithout you!
TC: HmM WeLl, mAyBe i cAn dRaW YoU Up a mAp oR SoMeThInG.
CA: *music starts playing as he sloww mo runs wwith his arms out in a field of daisies towwards you*
TC: WaIt....HoW WoUlD I GeT It tO YoU If yOu'rE LoSt.
CA: gammm!!!
TC: HoLy sHiT. i mOtHeRfUcKiNg fOuNd yOu.
CA: <3
TC: -HuGs yOu-
TC: NeVeR ScArE Me lIkE ThAt aGaIn
CA: *wwraps arms around you and closes eyes. a single tear falls. like if you cry erytime.*
CA: i wwill try
TC: ErIbRo -WhIsPeRs- yOu sMeLl lIkE GrApEs.
CA: y-you like?
TC: -He sTrOkEs yOuR HaIr tHeN NuZzElS HiS FaCe iNtO YoUr hAiR-
CA: good. i did it for you~
TC: -PiCkS YoU Up- wHaT ElSe hAvE YoU DoNe fOr mE?
CA: *is eridan sugoi princess* i put on some pretty nice chapstick of i do say so myself
TC: -He nUzZeLs yOu aNd lIgHtLy kIsSeS YoUr lIpS.
TC: -*
CA: *plot twwist he tastes like grapes also*
TC: -La gAsPs. hE KiSsEs yOu dEePeR-
CA: *his gills movve wwith happiness and he twwistes his hands into gams hair romantically. wwith all the burning passion of a thousand suns*
CA: <3
TC: -He hOlDs yOu tIgHtLy aNd lIgHtLy pLaYs wItH YoUr eArFiNs
CA: *supa kawwai eridan*
terminallyCapricious [TC] disconnected.
all out of love! caligulasAquarium [CA] disconnected.

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