Oscar and CP

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Oscar The Shark Slayer! [Oscar] joined chat. ~~ 1 ~~
Slave! Ciel Phantomhive [CP] joined chat. ~~ 2 ~~
CP: *His arms were tied above his head, his eyepatch was still on as he looked around the room, trying to find someway to get out, his legs tied to the chair and there were even ropes around his chest to keep him still, his clothes were tattered and slightly torn, his eyepatch looking loose as well, his hair a mess*
Oscar: Sup
CP: *Looks over* ......Hello....
Oscar: *nods* my booooi
Oscar: What are you doing
Oscar: *undoes his binding
Oscar: *he is free now
CP: *Rubs his wrists slightly* .......
Oscar: What? Lose for words?
Oscar: I know I have that affect of people..
CP: *Shakes his head* N....No.....W...Who are you....?
Oscar: *heroic pose* I'm Oscar! *deep voice* the shark slayer!!!!
CP: Shark slayer huh...? *Tilts his head*
Oscar: Yes shark slayer!
Oscar: I am the protector of the reef!
Oscar: Them sharks betta beware!
CP: *tilts his head* Then....Why are you on land?
Oscar: I am not on land
Oscar: You are in water
CP: W...Wha?! *Looks around, his blue eye going wide*
Oscar: *taps on his helmet*
CP: *Looks at him* H...How did I get...here....?
Oscar: I don't know, man, you just appeared in my pent house, torn and shackled.
Oscar: I should be asking YOU.
CP: I...Don't know....*Looks around* I got hit upside the head and...Guess I passed out.....
Oscar: Mush have been those darn jellyfish!
Oscar: They are always up I no good
Oscar: They are always makin everythin harder on me
Oscar: *sigh*
CP: *Looks at him* Why....me though?
Oscar: I don't know, are you a shark?
Oscar: Nah
Oscar: i don't see why they woul do this?
Oscar: Does this mean I have to babysit now
Oscar: Arge my manager is gonna hear about this
CP: *Sighs* I'm 13 mister, I can take care of myself....i just need to get back to land and i'll be fine.
Oscar: *sigh*
Oscar: Ok dude
Oscar: Just swim up *points upward*
CP: *Nods his head, looking up* .....Alright then.......*Starts swimming, looking around to make sure it was safe*
Oscar: beware of sharks..
CP: *His eyes widened as he tried swimming back down, a shark coming his way*
Oscar: *sighed*
Oscar: This is what happened
Oscar: They come into my reef
CP: *Swims down, going behind him*
Oscar The Shark Slayer!'s connection timed out. Please don't quit straight away; they could be back.
Slave! Ciel Phantomhive [CP] disconnected.

So I timed out and he was gone! :0 lol anyway I hope you enjoyed this book, tell me what was your favorite talk so far in the comment! I will update soon!

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